Daily Archives: 30th January 2018

You do not need any prior experience to develop your voice!


A lot of adult beginner vocal students are initially very concerned about not having prior vocal experience. The truth is that we all start at the beginning. It is simply the best place to start. (Especially if you start with top-notch vocal education!) A great singing teacher will know how to make you feel comfortable regardless of your experience. It is often extremely nerve-wracking to sing in front of a teacher for the first time and a lot of beginner adult students simply lack the confidence to sing a song at the first lesson. That is EXACTLY we at The London [...]

You do not need any prior experience to develop your voice!2020-05-14T10:38:27+01:00

Discover Why Singing Is Good For Your Health


It is a proven fact that people are living longer and longer. A lot of adults over the age of 65 are now looking for new hobbies and ideas to keep them young. Learning how to sing is probably one of the best part-time endeavours that one can ever take up. In addition to boosting your confidence and self-esteem, you will also awaken your creative side and discover a whole new you! By taking up singing lessons at an older age, you will definitely keep your mind and body younger. Learning how to sing will often require you to learn repertoire [...]

Discover Why Singing Is Good For Your Health2020-05-14T10:38:48+01:00


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