June 25, 2022

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

Live performance and, especially touring, have always been gruelling and energy consuming endeavours for singers and performers, albeit exhilarating and exciting. While restrictions are easing up across the world, the added anxieties around recent pandemic have not made this easier. Whether you are playing a few local shows or going on a national or international tour this year, we have some great tips to keep yourself safe and healthy during live performance and beyond.

Always Follow The Local Restrictions

This goes without saying, but always research the area or country you are travelling to and check the restrictions they have in place. Not only will this help keep you and other band members safe, but you’ll also be prepared to travel without breaking any rules or running into issues. Not to mention, respecting the precautions a venue has put in place will leave a great impression and a chance for you to return in the future.

man sanitizing his hands

Follow General Hygiene Practices

Even before the global pandemic, touring and live performance could put you at a higher risk of catching cold and flu viruses. You are surrounded by many people singing along and shouting in a crowded room. You’re also touching a range of equipment and it’s physically exhausting, which can lower your immune system.

So, implement some good hygiene practices to ensure you stay safe and healthy throughout your live performance. Bring a hand sanitizer and sanitize the equipment you’re going to be using if appropriate. You could also bring your own mic – that way, you are not sharing it with other vocalists and are preventing the spread of germs. Follow any venue guidelines for social distancing and encourage your fans to follow them too so all of you can enjoy a memorable day without getting ill.

singer peforming with the band

Warm Up And Cool Down

Besides keeping up with good hygiene, you also need to protect your voice. Live performance and touring can be especially challenging if you are new to the gigging scene. It takes some extra endurance to last all those late nights and keep your voice ready to perform one show after the other.

Always warm up before every gig so you can perform at your best and prevent vocal injury. You should also cool down after your gig. This will help to check in with the state of your voice and gently bring it to a period of rest.

Rest As Much As Possible

Vocal rest is important when you are an avid performer. While you may be tempted to go out drinking after a show and shout along to some music, consider resting your voice if you have more gigs coming up. You should also rest before your gigs, giving your vocal cords the time they need to recover and perform at their best each time.

woman holding the water bottle

Look After Your Body

Your body is your instrument and the way you look after it during and in between live performances makes all the difference. Always keep a bottle of water on you, even as you go on stage, to prevent dehydration and keep your vocal cords nice and supple. Avoid alcohol or consuming too much caffeine, as these drinks will also dehydrate your vocal cords. If you haven’t already, do seek support in quitting smoking too.

Eating healthily is a great way to keep your energy levels up and help your body recover after a gig. Sure, you shouldn’t eat a heavy meal before stepping on stage but don’t avoid eating altogether – have a lighter meal an hour or two before stepping on stage and replenish yourself with something heartier afterward. These simple tips will make a huge difference in your performance, overall wellbeing and support your immune system throughout a demanding tour schedule.

vocal professional check up

Prioritise Your Wellbeing

Listen to your body. Sometimes, we might experience some vocal damage during a lengthy tour, so pay attention to signs like hoarseness, breathiness, and pain in your throat. If you experience any of these symptoms, don’t ignore them. Seek advice from a vocal professional and give yourself some extra care and attention to recover in between shows. A period of vocal rest along with some soothing drinks and medication might just do the trick. If, however, the symptoms are seriously affecting you, do not push yourself beyond limits. You may be advised by a medical professional to reschedule your shows – listen to them. It can be heart-breaking, and you may feel like you are letting others down, but it’s not worth causing more serious vocal damage. It’s better to return to the stage when you are feeling your best and your fans will appreciate it!

female performer singing

Learn Proper Singing Techniques!

Your technique is the foundation that supports the longevity of your music career. Learning proper breath control, supporting your voice through challenging passages and avoiding singing from your throat will keep your vocal cords nice and healthy for years to come. Without knowing how to support your voice properly, you put it at a higher risk of vocal damage and injury, some of which can be hard to recover from.

Learn To Sing With London Singing Institute!

At London Singing Institute, we aim to equip our students with the best singing practices so they can enjoy and develop their voice for years to come. Whether you are singing on stage, or simply for your pleasure, we want you to appreciate and embrace the unique qualities of your voice. Our individual approach to teaching helps students of all backgrounds to thrive through a comprehensive learning experience. We offer individual lessons, group sessions and intensive courses. Our techniques encompass all popular genres, including pop, musical theatre, rock, jazz, blues and classical. Contact us today to find out more!

Tags: How to practice, Learning how to sing, singing lessons

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Tags: How to practice, Learning how to sing, singing lessons