Stefan Joubert

About Stefan Joubert

Passionate manager of LSI. Discover your voice, regardless of age or talent. Contact now at to start your singing lessons in London or online!

The Ten Best Apps for Singers


Of course, we all know there’s no substitute for a good singing coach when it comes to improving your vocals, but there are some amazing apps out there that can help to bridge the gap between lessons. If you are a singer, or aspiring to be one, then these are the apps you need on your phone now! Warm Me Up! This simple app is easy to use and a fantastic option for helping you warm up your voice before you practice singing at home. Choose from one of the routines they’ve put together for you or work your way through [...]

The Ten Best Apps for Singers2024-04-16T13:30:17+01:00

Why Are You Singing Out of Tune and How to Fix It


Singing is an incredible way to express yourself and share joy with others. But struggling to sing on pitch can be a bummer for everyone. Hitting the correct notes can be challenging at times, regardless of your skill level. But don't worry - with a little help and some practice, you can master your pitch and sing like a pro. Understanding Pitch and Tuning Pitch reflects the speed at which your vocal cords vibrate to produce sound waves. As you sing a note, you manipulate your vocal cords to emit sound at a frequency matching that note. Singing off-key occurs when [...]

Why Are You Singing Out of Tune and How to Fix It2024-03-25T17:42:03+00:00

How to Sing in a Group


Getting your harmonies right and creating beautiful songs as a group can be harder than you think, and it’s certainly a team effort. But there are a few things that everyone can do to improve their group singing technique for the most harmonious sound. Ready to be a vital team member? Read our helpful tips. Listen to the Rest of the Group The most important thing for every singer in a group is to listen to all the other singers. You need to learn how to adjust your voice to sit properly within the group. This isn’t something that you’ll get [...]

How to Sing in a Group2024-03-13T16:27:48+00:00

How to Keep Your Voice Healthy


In our busy lives, we often forget how important our voices are, whether we're singing, speaking publicly, teaching, or just chatting. Keeping your voice in good shape is key to communicating well. This is especially true for singers, from choirs to rock bands, and even those who sing in the shower. Looking after your singing voice isn't too complicated—it's about using common sense and knowing a few tips to keep your vocal cords healthy. In this guide, we'll cover the basics of how the voice works, spot signs of trouble, understand what causes voice issues, and learn how to keep your [...]

How to Keep Your Voice Healthy2024-03-08T08:53:32+00:00

How to Sing Backup: Blend in to Stand Out


Singing backup vocals is a skill that requires both precision and artistry. While the primary focus may be on the lead vocalist, the backing vocalists play a crucial role in enhancing the overall sound and creating depth and texture in the music. In this guide, we'll explore how to sing backup effectively, allowing you to blend in seamlessly while still making a memorable impact. Listen and Learn Mastering the art of singing backup effectively involves more than just attentive listening; it requires a deep understanding of the lead vocalist's style and the nuances of fellow backing vocalists. Immerse yourself in the [...]

How to Sing Backup: Blend in to Stand Out2024-03-06T09:29:39+00:00

Our Ten Favourite Warm-up Techniques


Warming up your voice muscles is just as important as any other muscle in your body before you put it to work. Every pro-singer knows that a great performance hinges on how good the warm-up is! Here are our ten favourite warm-up techniques that will help get your voice ready for your best performance every single time. Make sure to spend at least 10-20 minutes to warm up before you sing to give yourself the stamina and power you need. 1. Yawn You’re not getting ready for bed, but yawning is a great way to get relaxed and ready your voice [...]

Our Ten Favourite Warm-up Techniques2024-02-23T14:20:09+00:00

What Your Favourite Genre of Music Says About You


With so many different types of music out there, it can be difficult to pinpoint one that’s your favourite. But different personalities tend to be drawn to different styles of song. Have you ever wondered what your favourite genre of music says about you? We’ve got the answers (and they’re backed by science!) Pop Music Chances are, you’re the life and soul of the party, bubbly, excitable and fun. But you also suck at telling lies and lean towards a conventional lifestyle. You might not be as artistic as you’d like, but you are secure in yourself and always ready to [...]

What Your Favourite Genre of Music Says About You2024-02-19T16:56:43+00:00

How to Sing When You Have a Cold


When you find yourself facing an important performance with a cold, don't let a phlegmy throat and runny nose deter you. Learn how to sing when you have a cold and make the most of your situation, even when rescheduling isn't an option. Here are some top tips to help you sing your best even if you’re not feeling it. Don’t Try and Sing if Your Cold is Chesty If you feel your cold moving to your chest, you won’t be able to get enough power from your lungs to sing your very best. In this case, you’ll need to cancel [...]

How to Sing When You Have a Cold2024-01-30T09:55:52+00:00

What is Your Singing Voice Type in Popular Music: Find Out Here!


Singing is a universal art form that crosses cultural and linguistic boundaries. It's a complex and varied craft. Every person has a distinct voice, influenced by their vocal range, tone quality, and the most comfortable singing range. This applies to singers in all areas, including theatre, film, and television, where unique vocal qualities are especially valued.The main voice types – soprano, mezzo-soprano, alto, tenor, baritone, bass, and countertenor – are determined by these characteristics.What is your singing voice type? Find out with this simple process:Start with some basic vocal warm-ups like humming or gentle scales.A piano or a keyboard app on [...]

What is Your Singing Voice Type in Popular Music: Find Out Here!2024-01-29T13:51:25+00:00

7 Things You Never Knew About Singing


Singing is like a magical language that everyone can speak, connecting people from different places and cultures in a special way. It's not just about singing our favourite songs; there's much more to it than we might realise. In this journey, we'll explore seven interesting things about singing that might make you see it in a whole new light. So, let's dive in and uncover the hidden sides of singing – from the brain's dance to our shared history with birds. There's so much more to discover beyond the tunes we love. 1. The Brain's Symphony Singing goes beyond just using [...]

7 Things You Never Knew About Singing2024-01-31T12:23:50+00:00


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