Stefan Joubert

About Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

Tips for Out of Tune Singers


Some people seem to be able to hear a song and pick up the tune instantly, while others hear completely different notes! It is estimated that only 2-3% of the world’s population is actually tone-deaf, which means there is probably hope for you yet! Read this useful blog post on how to go from pitchy to perfect with just a little practice. What is ‘Out of Tune’? If you’ve ever heard someone say that your voice is ‘pitchy’, they mean that the notes you are singing fall slightly sharp or flat off the note you are supposed to be projecting. This [...]

Tips for Out of Tune Singers2024-07-15T10:01:07+01:00

Back to Basics with Your Singing!


No matter how proficient a singer you are, it is always crucial to remember the importance of returning to the fundamentals. “Back to Basics with Your Singing" is not just a catchy phrase but a guiding principle that ensures the longevity and health of your vocal abilities. By continually revisiting the basics, you can refine your technique, avoid bad habits, and enhance your overall performance. The Importance of Revisiting the Basics Even the most skilled singers can benefit from going back to basics. The fundamentals of singing are the foundation upon which all advanced techniques are built. Revisiting these core elements [...]

Back to Basics with Your Singing!2024-06-14T20:38:33+01:00

How to Sing in Hot Weather


When the temperature gets above a certain point on the barometer, singing might be the last thing you want to do. It is a physical activity that can make you feel hotter and sweatier, which is usually what we want to avoid in the summer. Sometimes, however, if you have a performance booked or a singing lesson planned, you have to sing anyway. But don’t get yourself all worked up about it (that will only raise your blood temperature). There are things you can do to make your singing in the sunshine experience a little easier. Change Your Clothing This might [...]

How to Sing in Hot Weather2024-06-05T20:17:57+01:00

How to Sing Vibrato


Vibrato is a fundamental technique that adds richness and warmth to a singer's voice. It involves a slight, regular variation in pitch that creates a shimmering, expressive quality in the sound. This guide will take you through the steps to develop and refine your vibrato. What is Vibrato? Vibrato is not merely a fluctuating pitch; it is a controlled, even, and aesthetically pleasing vocal technique. Typically involving a variation of a semitone or less at a rate of 5-7 cycles per second, vibrato subtly alters the pitch of a note to convey emotion and intensity. Characterised by a gentle, oscillating movement [...]

How to Sing Vibrato2024-06-03T13:34:52+01:00

Demystifying Auto-Tune: The Role of Technology in Singing


In the world of music, few technologies have sparked as much debate and controversy as Auto-Tune. This pitch-correcting software, developed by Antares Audio Technologies, has been used by everyone from pop stars to electronic producers to achieve a smooth, polished sound. But despite its widespread use, many singers and musicians still approach Auto-Tune with a mix of fascination and trepidation. Do you need to know how to use it? Can it really replace traditional vocal skills? And what are the creative possibilities and limitations of this powerful tool? In this article, we'll explore the origins of Auto-Tune, how it works, and [...]

Demystifying Auto-Tune: The Role of Technology in Singing2024-05-20T11:43:11+01:00

How to Use Constructive Criticism to Your Singing Advantage


Nobody likes to hear bad feedback. But if people are telling you that your voice is not quite right or suggesting that your technique is off, instead of throwing a tantrum, maybe you could take that criticism and turn it into singing magic? Easier said than done? Don’t worry, we’ve got some advice for you. Don’t Take it to Heart The most important thing is that you don’t take negative comments personally. If you have been reading this blog for a while, or you are already taking singing lessons, then you’ll know there’s always room for improvement, and your voice is [...]

How to Use Constructive Criticism to Your Singing Advantage2024-05-07T17:44:53+01:00

How to Sing Opera: Essential Tips for Aspiring Singers


Singing opera is a challenging yet immensely rewarding artistic endeavour that combines vocal talent, dramatic expression, and technical skill. Here are some essential tips to help in learning how to sing opera: Tip #1: Understand the Fundamentals of Vocal Technique Mastering opera singing begins with a solid grounding in classical vocal technique. This foundation is essential for achieving the power, range, and endurance required for opera. Here are the core aspects you need to understand and master: Posture A correct singing posture is crucial for effective breath control and vocal projection. Stand straight with your feet shoulder-width apart to maintain balance [...]

How to Sing Opera: Essential Tips for Aspiring Singers2024-05-08T21:18:30+01:00

The Ten Best Apps for Singers


Of course, we all know there’s no substitute for a good singing coach when it comes to improving your vocals, but there are some amazing apps out there that can help to bridge the gap between lessons. If you are a singer, or aspiring to be one, then these are the apps you need on your phone now! Warm Me Up! This simple app is easy to use and a fantastic option for helping you warm up your voice before you practice singing at home. Choose from one of the routines they’ve put together for you or work your way through [...]

The Ten Best Apps for Singers2024-04-16T13:30:17+01:00

Why Are You Singing Out of Tune and How to Fix It


Singing is an incredible way to express yourself and share joy with others. But struggling to sing on pitch can be a bummer for everyone. Hitting the correct notes can be challenging at times, regardless of your skill level. But don't worry - with a little help and some practice, you can master your pitch and sing like a pro. Understanding Pitch and Tuning Pitch reflects the speed at which your vocal cords vibrate to produce sound waves. As you sing a note, you manipulate your vocal cords to emit sound at a frequency matching that note. Singing off-key occurs when [...]

Why Are You Singing Out of Tune and How to Fix It2024-03-25T17:42:03+00:00

How to Sing in a Group


Getting your harmonies right and creating beautiful songs as a group can be harder than you think, and it’s certainly a team effort. But there are a few things that everyone can do to improve their group singing technique for the most harmonious sound. Ready to be a vital team member? Read our helpful tips. Listen to the Rest of the Group The most important thing for every singer in a group is to listen to all the other singers. You need to learn how to adjust your voice to sit properly within the group. This isn’t something that you’ll get [...]

How to Sing in a Group2024-03-13T16:27:48+00:00


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