July 31, 2020

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

One of the best things about modern technology is that it allows the music and teaching industry adapt to the current climate. As more and more of us are seeking ways to work remotely and use technology to stay in touch with everyone, singing is another practice that is increasingly being taught online. For those of us moving from traditional, face to face in-person lessons, this is a brand-new territory, and it makes some people wonder about the pros and cons of online singing lessons. It may surprise you that there are actually a lot of benefits to studying remotely, so how do online singing lessons work to improve your learning experience? Keep on reading to find out.

Benefit #1 – Choose a teacher from any location

Learning virtually expands your choice of teachers, so you can match with a person that is best suited to your goals, instead of having to stick to the nearest one to your location. This opens a lot more possibilities for you to learn from that vocal coach you have been admiring for ages, or to find one that specialises in the genres and styles of singing you’re looking to progress in. Online learning also gives you the opportunity to try out a few different teachers and choose the one you feel the most comfortable with.

Benefit #2 – Save money

Are online singing lessons worth it in terms of the money? Well, actually, they often work out cheaper, without sacrificing much on the value of your classes. Not only do most teachers offer reduced rates on virtual lessons, you also don’t have to worry about travel costs, which can seriously add up, depending on how far you typically travel to your coach. This could allow you to book more lessons for the money you save and, therefore, practice more frequently and progress quicker. Or, it could leave you with extra money to invest in your home studio!

Benefit #3 – Save time

If you live in a place where there are more cows than people, you probably have to commute to your face to face lessons. Even in a city, traffic can make a quick journey last an hour or more, and it can be tricky to fit vocal training into your busy schedule. With online singing lessons, you don’t have to travel anywhere at all, which means more time spent enjoying your hobbies and catching up with friends and family instead of travelling to and from your lessons. Choosing to study online will increase the likelihood that you will actually be able to attend the classes and make time for them amongst all other demands.

Benefit #4 – Record your lessons

Zoom, Skype and other video call platforms make it super easy for you to record your lessons! Of course, many teachers allow you to record face to face classes too, but students rarely remember to do it, whereas if you’re already having your lesson online, all you need to do is press record. This is fantastic for when you’re practicing alone, as you can replay the lesson, listen to your teacher’s advice and make sure you follow through with it. Practicing this way could actually expedite your progress, as you can easily recall all the important tips and tricks you learned in your last session.

Benefit #5 – Learn from wherever you are

Holidays, travel and special occasions make it all too easy for you to miss your lessons for weeks at a time. With online singing lessons, you can learn from anywhere in the world, as long as you have good internet connection! This way, you can keep up your sessions throughout the year and make sure you’re making consistent progress, no matter where you are.

A few considerations for online lessons

While there are many benefits of online singing lessons, there are also a few things you need to put in place to make the most of them! Here are some tips for online singing lessons:


Firstly, you need good internet speed, as any lagging or too much latency could be detrimental to a successful session. Unless you have a good built-in microphone and webcam on your computer, we would also advise investing in a decent mic and camera, so your teacher can see and hear you as clearly as possible. This will make it easier for them to identify any issues and help you improve your vocal.


If you’re learning online from home, you need to ensure your environment doesn’t provide any distractions and allows you to fully immerse yourself into the lesson. Make sure that people you live with are aware you need this time to focus on your class. Try to find a quiet spot or room in the house where you can feel comfortable.

Have you tried online singing lessons before? Get in touch to see how we can help!

Tags: Skype singing lessons, Zoom singing lessons, Facetime singing lessons, GoToMeeting singing lessons

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Tags: Skype singing lessons, Zoom singing lessons, Facetime singing lessons, GoToMeeting singing lessons