voice tips

How to Sing in Hot Weather


When the temperature gets above a certain point on the barometer, singing might be the last thing you want to do. It is a physical activity that can make you feel hotter and sweatier, which is usually what we want to avoid in the summer. Sometimes, however, if you have a performance booked or a singing lesson planned, you have to sing anyway. But don’t get yourself all worked up about it (that will only raise your blood temperature). There are things you can do to make your singing in the sunshine experience a little easier. Change Your Clothing This might [...]

How to Sing in Hot Weather2024-06-05T20:17:57+01:00

How to Sing Vibrato


Vibrato is a fundamental technique that adds richness and warmth to a singer's voice. It involves a slight, regular variation in pitch that creates a shimmering, expressive quality in the sound. This guide will take you through the steps to develop and refine your vibrato. What is Vibrato? Vibrato is not merely a fluctuating pitch; it is a controlled, even, and aesthetically pleasing vocal technique. Typically involving a variation of a semitone or less at a rate of 5-7 cycles per second, vibrato subtly alters the pitch of a note to convey emotion and intensity. Characterised by a gentle, oscillating movement [...]

How to Sing Vibrato2024-06-03T13:34:52+01:00

Singing Do’s and Don’ts


Ready to let your inner songbird soar? Singing takes you on a journey beyond genres, uniting us all in the pursuit of vocal greatness. Whether you're reaching for high notes or infusing emotion into every line, mastering the do's and avoiding the don'ts is key for a standout performance. Deep within your throat lies the remarkable wonder that is our voice. The voice originates from our vocal cords, exquisite structures nestled within our windpipe. These vocal folds are the architects of our sound, intricately designed to produce magnificent melodies. As air passes through, they come alive, gracefully dancing and vibrating to [...]

Singing Do’s and Don’ts2024-01-12T07:52:26+00:00


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