January 11, 2024

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

Ready to let your inner songbird soar?

Singing takes you on a journey beyond genres, uniting us all in the pursuit of vocal greatness.

Whether you’re reaching for high notes or infusing emotion into every line, mastering the do’s and avoiding the don’ts is key for a standout performance.

Deep within your throat lies the remarkable wonder that is our voice. The voice originates from our vocal cords, exquisite structures nestled within our windpipe.

These vocal folds are the architects of our sound, intricately designed to produce magnificent melodies. As air passes through, they come alive, gracefully dancing and vibrating to create the symphony that is our unique voice.

By grasping the inner workings of our vocal cords, we gain a deeper understanding of how to care for and nurture them. Just like any instrument, our voice requires proper maintenance and attention to ensure it remains in peak condition.

With this knowledge, we can embark on a journey of vocal mastery, unlocking our full potential and expressing our emotions through the magic of singing.

Singing involves a combination of skill and attention, regardless of whether you’re a beginner or an experienced professional.

Excited to boost your singing game?

Let’s dive into crucial tips that not only improve your vocal abilities but also maintain your singing voice in top-notch condition.

Woman with curly hair singing


1. Warm-up Before Singing

Kickstart your singing session with a series of easy vocal warm-up exercises designed to ready your voice for the melodies ahead gently.

Engage in simple scales, hums, or gentle sirens to gradually awaken and limber your vocal cords.

This preliminary step is like a friendly handshake for your voice, ensuring a smooth and effortless transition into the musical journey to follow!

2. Stay Hydrated

Make it a habit to sip water consistently throughout your day to ensure your vocal cords stay well-hydrated.

Just like a plant needs water to thrive, your vocal cords benefit from this hydration to maintain flexibility and resilience.

By keeping a water bottle handy and taking regular sips, you’re not just quenching your thirst but also giving your voice the moisture it needs for a harmonious and supple performance.

3. Consistent Singing Practise

Integrate singing into your daily routine, making it a regular habit to nurture gradual skill improvement.

Set aside a dedicated time each day, even if it’s just a few minutes, to engage in vocal exercises or sing your favourite tunes.

Like any skill, regular practice is the key to steady enhancement.

Embrace the joy of making singing a constant companion in your routine, and watch as your skills unfold and blossom over time.

4. Record Yourself

Take a step further in your musical journey by recording your singing sessions.

It’s like creating a musical diary that allows you to listen back, track your progress, and discover areas where you can fine-tune your performance.

Grab a simple recording device or use your phone, press record, and let the notes capture your growth.

This self-reflection not only adds fun to your practice but also serves as a valuable tool for recognizing and refining your singing prowess.

5. Explore Different Genres

Broaden your vocal capabilities by trying out different music genres. It’s like adding a splash of diversity to your singing journey, opening doors to new sounds and expanding your vocal horizons.

Whether it’s pop, jazz, rock, or classical tunes, each genre offers a distinct playground for your voice to explore.

Enjoy the process of trying different musical flavours to extend your vocal range and enrich your versatility as a singer.

So, venture into various styles, let your voice glide through diverse melodies, and uncover the vibrant notes that resonate with your individual style.

6. Take Breathing Exercises

Elevate your singing experience by including simple breathing exercises in your routine.

These exercises are like little breath workshops for your voice, helping you enhance control and maintain those notes a bit longer.

Focus on inhaling deeply, feeling your lungs expand, and then exhale slowly, regulating your breath.

It’s a small but powerful addition to your practice that strengthens your singing abilities and brings a sense of calm and control to your vocal journey.

So, please take a moment to breathe, let your voice find its rhythm, and enjoy the harmonious results.

7. Seek Professional Guidance

Take your singing journey to the next level by considering personalised lessons from a skilled vocal instructor.

It’s like having a musical guide who tailors feedback specifically for you.

A professional can provide insights and correct techniques, offer encouragement, and elevate your vocal prowess.

Investing in lessons is akin to unlocking a treasure chest of knowledge custom-tailored to your unique voice.

8. Study Music Theory

Deepen your musical knowledge by exploring fundamental music theory, such as scales and key signatures.

It’s like building a strong foundation for your singing, offering you a better grasp of how melodies work.

Understanding the language of music enhances your ability to interpret and perform songs with precision.

Take a gradual approach, starting with the basics, and soon, you’ll find yourself confidently navigating the musical landscape.

9. Relax Your Body

Foster a comfortable and laid-back stance during your singing practice to ensure your body supports optimal breath control and vocal production.

Picture it as creating a cosy space for your voice to express freely.

Check your shoulders, neck, and jaw – let them loosen up.

This simple adjustment prevents unnecessary strain and allows your breath to flow effortlessly, contributing to a more natural and resonant singing experience.

Take a moment to find that easy posture, let your body unwind, and witness its positive impact on your overall vocal delivery.

10. Celebrate Small Achievements

Take a moment to acknowledge and cheer for your progress, even the tiny steps, to keep your motivation soaring high.

It’s like creating a collection of musical milestones, each one contributing to your journey.

Whether you hit a challenging note or conquer a tricky melody, these small victories are the building blocks of your growth as a singer.

Celebrate them with a smile, pat yourself on the back, and let the joy of your achievements fuel your passion for singing.

Man holding a microphone with eyes wide open


1. Don’t Strain Your Voice

Steer clear of exerting excessive pressure on your vocal cords, particularly if it results in discomfort or unease.

By taking a gentle approach, you are allowing your voice to develop naturally without forcing it.

Pay attention to your body and adjust your technique if there are any signs of tension.

In addition to preserving the health of your vocal cords, avoiding unnecessary strain enhances the enjoyment and sustainability of singing.

Sing with ease, be kind to your voice, and let the notes flow effortlessly.

2. Don’t Skip Warm-ups

Make it a non-negotiable part of your singing routine to incorporate vocal warm-up exercises.

Skipping these warm-ups can put your vocal cords under strain, like asking your muscles to perform without stretching beforehand.

The purpose of these warm-ups is to gently prepare your voice, ensuring a smooth and comfortable journey into your singing practice.

Consider it as a thoughtful warm-up for your vocal instrument, allowing it to function at its best.

So, take a few moments to warm up, and you’ll find your singing sessions becoming more enjoyable and your voice thanking you for the extra care.

3. Don’t Overindulge in Caffeine and Dairy

Be mindful of how much caffeine and dairy you consume before singing to avoid excess mucus buildup.

Think of it as giving your vocal cords a clear path to produce smooth and vibrant tones.

While these beverages and foods can be enjoyable, excessive intake may contribute to unwanted mucus, affecting your singing performance.

Strike a balance, perhaps opting for water or herbal teas, to ensure your vocal cords remain optimal for your musical endeavours.

By moderating your choices, you’re caring for your voice and enhancing the quality of your singing experience.

Sip wisely and let your voice shine!

4. Don’t Compare Yourself To Others

Refrain from overly critiquing your singing abilities compared to others, recognising that everyone’s journey unfolds uniquely.

Consider it as appreciating the diversity in musical journeys, much like each voice’s special tune.

Embrace the individuality of your progress, understanding that it takes time. Engaging in self-comparison too intensely can dampen the joy of singing.

Instead, cherish your milestones and revel in the richness of musical expression.

Let go of undue self-scrutiny, revel in your growth, and delight in the distinctive melody that only your voice can compose.

5. Don’t Sing with Poor Posture

Ensure you sing with proper posture, avoiding slouching or poor positioning that could affect both your breath support and the overall quality of your vocals.

Think of it as providing a sturdy foundation for your voice to resonate freely. A straightened spine, relaxed shoulders, and an open chest create an optimal environment for your vocal cords to perform at their best.

Paying attention to your posture enhances your singing technique and contributes to a more enjoyable and sustainable singing experience.

Stand tall, support your voice with good posture, and let your melodies flow effortlessly.

6. Don’t Fear Mistakes

Don’t be afraid of making mistakes; instead, welcome them as valuable opportunities for learning and improvement.

Consider it a friendly guide on your musical journey, helping you discover new facets of your voice.

Remember, everyone makes mistakes, and each one is a stepping stone toward refining your skills.

Adopting a positive outlook creates a nurturing environment for growth, turning every hiccup into a chance to enhance your singing abilities.

So, don’t let fear hold you back; celebrate the journey, learn from the bumps, and let your mistakes compose the beautiful melody of progress.

7. Don’t Rush Your Progress

Resist the urge to rush through your learning journey; invest time to construct a sturdy foundation for your singing skills.

Each step you take, no matter how small, contributes to the strength and depth of your abilities.

By allowing yourself the time to absorb and practise, you’re ensuring a more resilient and enjoyable path to musical proficiency.

8. Don’t Neglect Breath Control

Avoid underestimating the significance of breath control in your singing journey; instead, focus on dedicated exercises to refine this crucial skill.

By acknowledging its importance and committing to practice, you’re laying the groundwork for a more proficient and nuanced vocal delivery.

Cultivate an awareness of your breath, engage in exercises that build control, and witness the positive impact on the quality and endurance of your singing.

9. Don’t Push Your Vocal Limits

Opt for a balanced approach when singing, steering clear of overly loud tones that could strain your vocal cords over an extended period.

Imagine it as maintaining a gentle harmony, allowing your voice to resonate without unnecessary force.

By practising mindful volume control, you actively contribute to the enduring well-being of your vocal cords, ensuring a more sustainable and pleasant singing journey.

Strike the right chord, let your voice flow naturally, and safeguard the longevity of your distinctive musical instrument.

10. Don’t Ignore Vocal Fatigue

Be mindful of how your voice feels, and don’t ignore signs of vocal tiredness.

If you sense strain or fatigue, take a break and let your voice rest. This is like allowing your vocal cords to recover, preventing potential long-term damage.

Just as our bodies need rest after physical activity, your voice benefits from a break to stay healthy.

So, pay attention to how your voice feels; if it’s tired, give it the rest it deserves. It’s a simple but effective way to maintain your vocal health and ensure a more sustainable and enjoyable singing experience.

Microphone and music notes with dos and dont saying
Are you ready to hit the high notes of a more enjoyable, sustainable, and stellar vocal experience?

Yes? Fantastic!

By infusing these guidelines into your daily routine, you nurture your vocal cords and elevate the entire singing experience.

Consider this comprehensive approach your roadmap to unlocking the full potential of your unique voice.

Picture a harmonious and enduring musical adventure that awaits as you navigate through the do’s and gracefully sidestep the don’ts.

Start singing lessons at the London Singing Institute now and enjoy a musical journey that transforms your voice.

Your voice, your journey, your symphony – let the captivating melody unfold!

Related article: Five Things You Can Do Right Now To Improve Your Voice

Tags: Singing Tips, vocal advice, voice tips, dos and donts of singing

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Tags: Singing Tips, vocal advice, voice tips, dos and donts of singing