March 12, 2024

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

Getting your harmonies right and creating beautiful songs as a group can be harder than you think, and it’s certainly a team effort.

But there are a few things that everyone can do to improve their group singing technique for the most harmonious sound.

Ready to be a vital team member? Read our helpful tips.

Group of singers singing

Listen to the Rest of the Group

The most important thing for every singer in a group is to listen to all the other singers. You need to learn how to adjust your voice to sit properly within the group.

This isn’t something that you’ll get right straight away, but you will pick up this skill over time. A good trick to help speed the process along is to record yourself singing with a backing track and listen to where you might need to make adjustments.

Another good trick is to practice in smaller groups first. Everyone will have their own pitch to sing in, meaning every voice is important to the finished song. Once you’ve got to grips with smaller groups, you can start to lend your vocal skills to larger groups.

Get Your Breathing Right

Breathing is an incredibly important skill to master for singing. Of course, you’re breathing all the time, but mastering your breath around a song can mean the difference between a good and a bad performance.

Good breathing whilst singing comes from good posture and alignment, as well as learning to use the correct supporting muscles.

A great coach will talk you through some warm-up exercises that will help boost your power, control and stamina while singing, but you can help yourself by singing facing a mirror, so you can check your posture.

And practice singing from your diaphragm, rather than your chest, to help build up those core muscles.

Choir singing

Learn to Blend With Others

Blending is one of the most important things to learn when singing with others. The trick is to perfect your harmonies without losing your individual expression. Practice this by singing along to your favourite songs and adjusting your voice to match their tone and volume.

There are also lots of tuner apps you can use to make sure you’re getting your harmonies just right. Download a few and see which one you like the most.

Get to Know the Other Singers

A group full of strangers will never sound as good as a group full of people who know each other’s quirks, sounds and musical cues. The tighter the bond between your group, the better the performance will be.

And the more fun everyone will have. So, encourage socialization outside of singing lessons to help build the perfect singing team.

Three women singing

Be Open to Comments, Criticism and Learning

No matter how long you’ve been singing, there’s always something new to learn. Don’t assume you know it all and that your group will learn to adjust around you – a team effort means there will be compromises on all fronts, but they will all be for the good of the performance.

Take comments on board and work with them to ensure you play your part in the group. And practice, practice, practice!

Couple singing

Most of All, Have Fun!

The best thing about singing in a group is that it is a sociable activity. It is a chance to have fun with people who like singing, too! If you are enjoying yourself, you’ll feel looser and less anxious when it comes to performing, which will only make for a better vocal performance.

And when you sing as a group, you become a united team, all striving for the same goal – a great-sounding song.

Smile, and you’ll breathe better and attract good vibes. We don’t think there is anything more fun than singing in a group. Don’t be afraid to make mistakes—laugh them off and carry on.

Want more tips on singing in a group?

The London Institute of Singing is the perfect place to hone your craft and find a group that suits your tone.

Our qualified vocal coaches ensure everyone gets the help and advice they need while creating singing groups that are perfectly balanced and allow everyone to shine.

If you are interested in studying your voice in a group format, look at our group vocal lessons!

Want to find out more? Get in touch!

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