
Is It Ever Too Late to Learn to Sing?


The short answer is no, it’s never too late to learn to sing. But we know everyone has their own doubts and may feel like their situation is different. So, if you’ve always wanted to learn to sing and you think it might be too late and your time as a vocalist has passed, this article is for you. We will dispel the most common myths that stop people from truly discovering their voice and enjoying all the amazing benefits of singing. It’s Harder to Learn Something New as You Get Older Our brains learn through creating new pathways and pushing [...]

Is It Ever Too Late to Learn to Sing?2021-11-17T17:03:09+00:00

How to Improve Your Singing If You’ve Plateaued


As many of us embark on singing lessons for adults, we expect to be constantly progressing, excitedly learning a new skill. There are so many new songs to learn, vocal tips and tricks you never came across before. It all feels fresh and compelling…until it doesn’t. Months or even years down the line, you may have reached a plateau. Once again, you are wondering how to improve your singing. Except this time, it’s not coming from a place of learning a new skill. You probably feel comfortable with your voice, you may feel like you’ve found your sound, your repertoire. And [...]

How to Improve Your Singing If You’ve Plateaued2021-11-17T17:00:06+00:00

Avoid These 5 Vocal Mistakes!


Vocal mistakes are common among budding singers, as well as experienced vocalists. We have heard plenty of stories of famous singers who have had to have vocal cord surgery or have, in some way, damaged their vocals. Anatomically, our vocal mechanisms are mostly made up of soft tissue and muscle, so it can be easy to cause a negative effect through lifestyle choices and improper singing technique. Smoking, dehydration, alcohol consumption and even certain foods can affect our voice. More commonly, however, it’s the way we use our voice that causes the most damage. Here are five vocal mistakes you should [...]

Avoid These 5 Vocal Mistakes!2021-10-13T18:30:36+01:00

5 Tips for Learning with a Vocal Coach Online


Although we are excited to resume adult singing lessons in our Central London premises, we have met many new students during lockdown who are continuing to learn with a vocal coach online. Many musicians find this approach to be convenient, cost-effective and less time consuming as there is no need to travel. Not to mention, you can learn with any vocal coach, no matter where they are in the world. This way, you can find one that best suits your needs, and ensure you have a real connection with them. There are some challenges to online learning, so we have put [...]

5 Tips for Learning with a Vocal Coach Online2021-10-11T10:41:23+01:00

How to Write a Song in 10 Steps


Many students who come to us for adult singing lessons inevitably get inspired to create their own songs! Singing lessons work hand in hand in encouraging your own creativity, as you become comfortable with using your instrument and learn more about music theory. Sadly, too often artists start out with an idea that never quite fully manifests into a complete song. We have ten helpful tips on how to write a song and finish it so you can share your creations with the world! Start Simple Many musicians discourage themselves from writing, before they even start! Don’t overthink your initial idea. [...]

How to Write a Song in 10 Steps2021-09-29T11:18:19+01:00

How to record vocals at home


As artists, we wear so many different hats. Often, you will be asked to be more than just a vocalist. You may need to pick up some skills in everything from engineering, production, song writing, marketing and more to have a successful career consisting of multiple income streams. Being able to record yourself at home is a very useful skill that can land you jobs from across the world. We have some great tips to share on how to record vocals at home and get the best quality sound on a budget, in any room. Consider Your Environment Before even starting [...]

How to record vocals at home2021-06-22T17:42:04+01:00

Singing confidence tips for adult beginners


Confidence is the foundation of our success. It’s the state of mind that lets us persevere in spite of fear of failure and helps us keep going towards our goals. As you embark on your singing lessons for adults, you may feel insecure about your voice, struggling to sing in front of others or record yourself. Many musicians go through this but, because our voice is also a part of us, vocalists often feel much more vulnerable to criticism and fear of failure. If this is you, do not fret – follow these singing confidence tips to unleash the self-assured performer [...]

Singing confidence tips for adult beginners2021-06-07T07:35:11+01:00

10 Live performance tips for singers


As you progress through your singing lessons for adults, you will likely want to show off your skills and get on stage! Some musicians find performing a little nerve racking, while others feel right at home with everyone watching them. No matter how you feel about live performance, one thing is for sure – proper preparation, consistency and experience will turn you into a confident performer in no time. Our 10 live performance tips for singers will help you put on your best show, whether you’re just starting out or are already earning your stripes as an artist. 1. Practice Makes [...]

10 Live performance tips for singers2021-05-18T18:09:53+01:00

5 Reasons why you should consider taking musical theatre lessons


Many of us have a profound love for musical theatre! This unique artform combines acting, incredible musicianship and dancing, taking us through many emotional and musical dynamics. Musical theatre pieces have the power to inspire us, make us laugh and connect with our emotions on a deeper level. You may have been fascinated by them your whole life as an audience member, but have you ever wanted to experience it for yourself? There is a great deal of diversity in musical theatre vocals, ranging from operatic to rock, pop, jazz and even rap influences. So, no matter your previous background as [...]

5 Reasons why you should consider taking musical theatre lessons2021-04-26T20:07:25+01:00

Learning musical theatre as an adult


Have you always wanted to sing ‘I Dreamed A Dream’ as heart wrenchingly as Patti Lupone? Or tackle ‘Defying Gravity’ with the impressive dynamics of Idina Menzel? Or, maybe, you want to confidently perform songs from musicals like ‘Hamilton’ or ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ for a more contemporary take on musical theatre? Whatever your aims, musical theatre lessons for adults will help you explore different styles and turn you into the prolific, confident and engaging performer you’ve always wanted to be! Here’s how… Why Musical Theatre Lessons for Adults Are So Important… Many young children are often encouraged to pursue musical theatre, [...]

Learning musical theatre as an adult2021-04-12T09:29:14+01:00


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