March 22, 2021

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

Many of us have a profound love for musical theatre! This unique artform combines acting, incredible musicianship and dancing, taking us through many emotional and musical dynamics. Musical theatre pieces have the power to inspire us, make us laugh and connect with our emotions on a deeper level. You may have been fascinated by them your whole life as an audience member, but have you ever wanted to experience it for yourself?

There is a great deal of diversity in musical theatre vocals, ranging from operatic to rock, pop, jazz and even rap influences. So, no matter your previous background as a vocalist or even if you’ve never sang before, there is something for everyone in musical theatre lessons. Not to mention, the many benefits you will experience…

silhouette of a woman on stage

1. Musical Theatre Lessons Help With Your Confidence

Children are often encouraged to take up a musical instrument or join a theatre class to help with their confidence. But even as adults, our self-belief can benefit from musical theatre lessons. Think about how many times you may have had to do a presentation at work or university, simply speak up in a meeting or negotiate with confidence and poise? Musical theatre requires you to perform in front of an audience both alongside others and on your own. This experience will seep into other areas of your life and you will notice an increased confidence in situations you previously found stressful. Not to mention, the reinforced sense of achievement you will get from mastering challenging songs and overcoming your fear of being on stage.

woman acting on stage

2. You Will Learn to Be A Better Communicator

Musical theatre singing lessons for adults are closely tied with acting. The key part of being an exceptional performer is to be able to fully immerse yourself in the character. To do this, you have to be able to empathise with the role and understand it from the character’s point of view. This important skill will improve your communication skills in all other areas of life! You will be able to put yourself in someone else’s position and understand them better. Plus, you will study facial expressions and body language in greater depth, which will help you recognise those important social cues in everyday life.

actors rehearsing

3. Musical Theatre Lessons Teach Us Accountability

Being a musician is a very social activity, especially if you’re in musical theatre! You will often work on large productions with many different people involved and teams could change from project to project. Taking musical theatre singing lessons for adults improves your social, project management and collaboration skills. Each member of a production has a great responsibility on their shoulders to ensure the show runs as smoothly as possible. If you don’t know your lines, you could hinder the performance for everyone else. Through musical theatre lessons you will learn to collaborate, find common ground with people from all backgrounds and gain a profound understanding of everyone’s individual contribution to the team as a whole.

woman singing on stage

4. You Will Learn Some Impressive Vocal Techniques

As we mentioned earlier, musical theatre singing is incredibly diverse. You could go from dexterous, dynamic performance of ‘Defying Gravity’ from Wicked to more sultry performance of ‘All That Jazz’ from Chicago. You will even learn rap-techniques from popular songs in musicals like Hamilton. Musical theatre lessons will also incorporate theatrical elements into your singing such as twang, sob and belt. You will learn to speak with clarity and immaculate diction, which, again, brings benefits to all areas of life. All of these techniques will teach you how to better express yourself with confidence, while developing the dexterity and resilience in your voice that you’ve always wanted to achieve.

female theatre performer

5. Singing Is Incredibly Beneficial For Your Mind and Body

If you think that singing is just a mental activity, think again! Musical theatre lessons are extremely beneficial for building your stamina and they can become quite the workout. Think about it – as a musical theatre performer, you are required to sing, act and dance for in lengthy productions, often several nights a week. This can be incredibly consuming for your mind and body, but it also builds your strength and stamina. You will learn to develop a better posture, improve your lung capacity and more.

There is also no shortage of mental health benefits of musical theatre singing lessons for adults. Singing is proven to boost our immune system and have a positive effect on those suffering from anxiety and depression. Musical theatre lessons, in particular, are incredibly effective in boosting your memory, as you won’t have the sheet music or a script in front of you for your performance.

Studying music is almost like learning a new language, which will lead to better cognitive reasoning and concentration. You will also develop as an artist and creative, boosting your problem-solving skills and making it much easier to find innovative solutions at work and in everyday life. Creating music with others will enable you to communicate more openly with people outside of musical theatre, too. You will get used to sharing ideas confidently in front of a larger group of people.

Musical Theatre Lessons Are for Everyone!

No matter where you are on your singing journey, we believe that every adult should be able to learn in a supportive and encouraging environment. Our musical theatre singing lessons for adults are always tailored to the individual, your goals and your unique voice. You will be able to learn the musical theatre singing techniques you always wanted to master, while gaining a deeper understanding of your voice and how to look after it. We will show you how to become a better actor through music and teach you new ways of communicating and expressing yourself.

Our musical theatre lessons will help you gain a deeper connection with your audience and build your confidence as a dynamic and engaging performer. London Singing Institute’s team of expert coaches specialise in singing lessons for adults, so you can feel confident you will receive the most exceptional vocal training. You can choose to learn in our stunning premises in Central London or from the comfort of your home, wherever you are in the world!

You can also find out more about our musical theatre vocal courses taught by our brilliant music theatre voice coaches!

Tags: Singing Tips, Motivation, Singing advice, Everybody can sing!

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Exclusive vocal instruction for adults of all ages and abilities (absolute beginners are very welcome!)

Tags: Singing Tips, Motivation, Singing advice, Everybody can sing!