June 22, 2022

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Passionate manager of LSI. Discover your voice, regardless of age or talent. Contact now at enrol@londonsinginginstitute.co.uk to start your singing lessons in London or online!

In our last blog, we explained the differences between head, mixed, falsetto and chest voice. This is an easy way to discern between different registers in your individual range so you can use the proper techniques to make the most out of them. So, just to recap…

singer performing with microphone

What is Chest Voice?

Chest voice is not the sound you produce with your chest – you are still using your vocal cords to create the vibrations. Instead, it refers to where vibrations are felt. In this case, you will feel them in your chest cavity. How do you know if you’re singing in chest voice? Place your hand on your chest and you will feel the sound vibrating in that area.

The Struggles We May Face With Chest Voice

Chest voice will initially feel like the most natural register to sing in, as this is the range you will use for speech. However, this is where your lower and mid notes will be produced, which can sometimes become tricky to make them as powerful as mixed and head voice for example. Some singers find that their chest voice is quieter than the rest of their range, so it’s important we learn to tap into the richness and depth of the register.

female emotionally singing


The first and most important tip to stretch your chest voice register is to relax. Relaxing your jaw and chest, keeping your head still without tilting it down to reach those low notes will help you produce the sound with much less effort. Always ensure you work on your breathing too, as this will help with airflow as you descend into chest voice.

Lower Your Voice Gradually

If you’re struggling to hit those low notes straight away, try descending scales and arpeggios to help you reach the depths of your chest voice. This will help you get used to pitching in this register, and soon you’ll be able to jump to those notes with ease.

man with microphone singing

Work On Your Dynamics

Some people notice that their chest voice is quieter or doesn’t have the same power as the rest of the range. One way to work on this is by paying attention to your dynamics. Start by practicing scales and arpeggios and pay attention to how the volume changes throughout the range. Try to sustain the same amount of vocal power, either by descending into the chest voice and maintaining the same volume or starting strong and maintaining that power as you ascend. This will help you stay in tune with how the vibrations move through your body and how you can apply more vocal power in the chest register.

happy singer singing

Tap Into Your Vocal Power with London Singing Institute!

At London Singing Institute, we are experts on helping adults unlock their vocal power! No matter where you are on your journey, we create a safe, encouraging environment that caters to the needs of the individual. Contact us today for singing lessons in musical theatre, classical, pop, blues, rock, and jazz! Individual sessions and group lessons are available, as well as intensive singing course to help you prepare for that big performance in no time.

Tags: How to practice, singing technique, vocal technique

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Tags: How to practice, singing technique, vocal technique