June 22, 2022

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

So, what exactly is head voice in singing and how can you tap into the beautiful, powerful elements of this register? In our recent blog, we broke down the differences between chest, mixed, falsetto and head voice in singing. Here, we will dive deeper into a few tricks that will help your head voice become the best it’s ever been.

singer on stage with microphone

Why Does Head Voice in Singing Feel Intimidating?

Chest voice is where we feel the most comfortable, as this is the register we use for our speech. Head voice on the other hand, allows us to access the upper mid and higher notes in our vocal range, which can feel intimidating at first. Some people feel that their voice is more likely to waiver, become shrill or simply lacks power in the head register. With practice, however, you can develop a head voice that comfortably utilises your upper range.

The importance of Breath Support

Despite the confusing name, head voice in singing doesn’t mean that we produce the sound with our head, but rather that the vibrations are felt there. This is where many beginner singers can go wrong and develop some unhealthy habits by forcing the sound from their throat, rather than supporting it with their diaphragm. It can result in a flat sound that lacks depth and richness, while also being potentially damaging to your vocal cords.

singer practising at home

To develop a strong head voice in singing, focus on supporting your voice with your breath, especially as you get to those top notes. Pay attention to how your body engages with the head voice register and avoid reaching your head up, as this is more likely to constrict the airways. Your head voice should not be strained, so don’t push yourself beyond your current ability – you will get there with time and practice.

Relax Into The Head Voice

Sometimes, as we ascend into the top of our vocal range, we can feel more pressure and anxiety to hit those notes, which can result in straining and lack of proper support. To help you access those notes, try sighing from the top of your range, smoothly transitioning downward. This very relaxed, natural sound will help you ease into the head voice.

Practice Speaking in Your Head Voice

The chest voice feels much more natural as it utilises our speech register. So, why not start practicing speaking in your head voice? This is a great exercise to get you accustomed to comfortably using that part of your voice.

male singer with microphone


Not literally. But if you imagine your mouth position as you are smiling, the palate will be heightened, allowing for the air to move freely around your mouth, resulting in more power within your head voice.

Tap Into Your Vocal Power With London Singing Institute!

As you search for adult singing lessons, it’s important to work with experts who have an individual approach, create a comfortable environment, and teach you techniques that are safe to use for your voice. We do exactly that here at London Singing Institute! Contact us today to find out more about our lessons online and at our stunning Central London premises. We teach all popular styles, including musical theatre, pop, classical, jazz, rock, and blues.

Tags: Singing Tips, vocal technique

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Tags: Singing Tips, vocal technique