vocal technique

Tips for Out of Tune Singers


Some people seem to be able to hear a song and pick up the tune instantly, while others hear completely different notes! It is estimated that only 2-3% of the world’s population is actually tone-deaf, which means there is probably hope for you yet! Read this useful blog post on how to go from pitchy to perfect with just a little practice. What is ‘Out of Tune’? If you’ve ever heard someone say that your voice is ‘pitchy’, they mean that the notes you are singing fall slightly sharp or flat off the note you are supposed to be projecting. This [...]

Tips for Out of Tune Singers2024-07-15T10:01:07+01:00

Want to Stop Snoring? Try Singing!


If snoring is the bane of your life (or your partner’s life), you might want to give singing a go! There is a lot of research to suggest that singing in the day can lead to a quieter sleep at night. It can also improve the quality of your sleep so you and your loved one both wake up happier and well rested. Why Do We Snore? To understand how singing can stop you snoring, you need to first understand why you snore. Snoring is simply a vibration of the tissues in the throat caused by a blockage of the airways. [...]

Want to Stop Snoring? Try Singing!2023-06-16T11:59:16+01:00

Could Singing Help You Lose Weight?


It’s not a miracle weight-loss tool by any means, but you’ll be pleased to know that singing does burn calories. The better your technique, the more calories you’ll burn, which is a great excuse to hire a singing coach! How Does Singing Burn Calories? The reason for this is that there is actually a lot of muscle work involved in singing. You’re putting your lungs to the test, which requires a lot of support from your chest, abdominal, and diaphragm muscles. The more you practice, the stronger these muscles will get, just like in traditional strength exercises. And in the same [...]

Could Singing Help You Lose Weight?2023-04-05T12:27:41+01:00

How Does Puberty Affect Your Voice?


Wondering what happened to those soprano notes you belted out as a child? Or perhaps you’re a teen hoping to hit the charts with your dulcet tones one day, but you’re worried puberty will throw a spanner into your dreams of stardom? Here’s what really happens to your voice during those hormonal teenage years. And why you shouldn’t worry about puberty changing your singing ability. How Does Your Voice Change? The first thing to note is that everyone’s voice changes during puberty. This is because the ovaries and testes release a surge of estrogen and testosterone into the body. Both boys [...]

How Does Puberty Affect Your Voice?2023-09-25T19:28:43+01:00

Breathing Exercises to Improve Your Singing Stamina


When you want to hold a note for longer or hit those far-away octaves, you need to pay attention to your breath. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your tone is or how loud you can sing, the breath is what will make sure your voice is flawless. But, only focusing on your breath when you are singing is a recipe for failure. You need to be strengthening your lungs and boosting your singing stamina on a regular basis. Think of your breath like another muscle – the more you use it, the better control you’ll have over it. Most people breathe [...]

Breathing Exercises to Improve Your Singing Stamina2023-03-16T09:05:27+00:00

The Anatomy of a Singer’s Mouth


Have you ever thought about the positioning of your tongue? For most people, when singing, there is little need to think about what the tongue is doing. Your mouth naturally falls into place as you enunciate each note. So, it might surprise you to know that you can improve your technique greatly by considering things like tongue placement, jaw positioning, and the shape of your mouth. Let’s look a little closer at how the anatomy of your mouth can affect your voice. The Tongue You have probably already noticed how your tongue moves to help you say certain letters. But this [...]

The Anatomy of a Singer’s Mouth2023-01-30T05:21:16+00:00

6 Features of an Amazing Singer


Anyone can hold a note if they want to (yes, it’s true!), but there are certain features that separate good singers from amazing ones. Read on to find out what features the best vocalists have in common. They Look After Their Voice Ask any professional singer and they will tell you the importance of caring for your voice. This is about more than simply warming up your vocal folds before a performance. It is about keeping your whole body in tip-top shape, but especially your chest, throat, and mouth. This means making sure you are eating the right foods and drinks. [...]

6 Features of an Amazing Singer2022-11-25T09:45:02+00:00

This is the Journey from Beginner Singer to Pro


Have you ever wondered how beginner singers turn into professionals? Most musicians start off somewhere and world-class singers undergo lots of training, trial, and error to get to where they are. So, if you’ve always dreamt of being in the limelight or if your goal has always been to support yourself through singing, here’s what you can expect when you embark on adult singing lessons. Stage 1: Beginner Singer Stage This is where everything is new to you. You are just finding your voice and getting to know it. You may have been inspired by a particular vocalist and want to [...]

This is the Journey from Beginner Singer to Pro2022-08-17T07:14:03+01:00

Improve Your Head Voice in Singing


So, what exactly is head voice in singing and how can you tap into the beautiful, powerful elements of this register? In our recent blog, we broke down the differences between chest, mixed, falsetto and head voice in singing. Here, we will dive deeper into a few tricks that will help your head voice become the best it’s ever been. Why Does Head Voice in Singing Feel Intimidating? Chest voice is where we feel the most comfortable, as this is the register we use for our speech. Head voice on the other hand, allows us to access the upper mid and [...]

Improve Your Head Voice in Singing2022-06-27T09:44:24+01:00

How to Make the Most of Your Chest Voice


In our last blog, we explained the differences between head, mixed, falsetto and chest voice. This is an easy way to discern between different registers in your individual range so you can use the proper techniques to make the most out of them. So, just to recap… What is Chest Voice? Chest voice is not the sound you produce with your chest – you are still using your vocal cords to create the vibrations. Instead, it refers to where vibrations are felt. In this case, you will feel them in your chest cavity. How do you know if you’re singing in [...]

How to Make the Most of Your Chest Voice2022-06-28T09:21:12+01:00


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