Singing advice

Tips for Out of Tune Singers


Some people seem to be able to hear a song and pick up the tune instantly, while others hear completely different notes! It is estimated that only 2-3% of the world’s population is actually tone-deaf, which means there is probably hope for you yet! Read this useful blog post on how to go from pitchy to perfect with just a little practice. What is ‘Out of Tune’? If you’ve ever heard someone say that your voice is ‘pitchy’, they mean that the notes you are singing fall slightly sharp or flat off the note you are supposed to be projecting. This [...]

Tips for Out of Tune Singers2024-07-15T10:01:07+01:00

How to Sing in Hot Weather


When the temperature gets above a certain point on the barometer, singing might be the last thing you want to do. It is a physical activity that can make you feel hotter and sweatier, which is usually what we want to avoid in the summer. Sometimes, however, if you have a performance booked or a singing lesson planned, you have to sing anyway. But don’t get yourself all worked up about it (that will only raise your blood temperature). There are things you can do to make your singing in the sunshine experience a little easier. Change Your Clothing This might [...]

How to Sing in Hot Weather2024-06-05T20:17:57+01:00

How to Sing Backup: Blend in to Stand Out


Singing backup vocals is a skill that requires both precision and artistry. While the primary focus may be on the lead vocalist, the backing vocalists play a crucial role in enhancing the overall sound and creating depth and texture in the music. In this guide, we'll explore how to sing backup effectively, allowing you to blend in seamlessly while still making a memorable impact. Listen and Learn Mastering the art of singing backup effectively involves more than just attentive listening; it requires a deep understanding of the lead vocalist's style and the nuances of fellow backing vocalists. Immerse yourself in the [...]

How to Sing Backup: Blend in to Stand Out2024-03-06T09:29:39+00:00

How to Sing When You Have a Cold


When you find yourself facing an important performance with a cold, don't let a phlegmy throat and runny nose deter you. Learn how to sing when you have a cold and make the most of your situation, even when rescheduling isn't an option. Here are some top tips to help you sing your best even if you’re not feeling it. Don’t Try and Sing if Your Cold is Chesty If you feel your cold moving to your chest, you won’t be able to get enough power from your lungs to sing your very best. In this case, you’ll need to cancel [...]

How to Sing When You Have a Cold2024-01-30T09:55:52+00:00

Are Adult Singing Lessons Worth It?


Music has a universal language that transcends age, and singing is a powerful way for adults to connect with their inner artist. While many adults contemplate whether investing in singing lessons is worthwhile, the answer is a resounding yes. In this article, we'll explore the numerous advantages that adult singing lessons offer and why they are unquestionably worth the investment. Unlocking hidden potential Every individual possesses a unique voice, and adult singing lessons are the key to unlocking its full potential. Whether you're a complete novice or have some singing experience, a skilled vocal coach can help you discover, nurture, and [...]

Are Adult Singing Lessons Worth It?2023-10-27T19:23:37+01:00

The Importance of Mindset in Adult Singing Lessons


The way we approach everything we do plays a huge role in our success or failure. Having a resilient, positive mindset when learning anything new, be it singing, dancing, music production or any other skill is crucial. No, having a positive mindset alone won’t prevent you from experiencing difficulties and challenges along the way. But it will make a huge difference in how you deal with failure, uncertainty, and difficulty, which are all important for your learning journey. So, without further ado, here are a few mindset tips and tricks for those who are starting their adult singing lessons. Comparison Is [...]

The Importance of Mindset in Adult Singing Lessons2022-06-28T09:20:00+01:00

10 Tips for Maintaining Your Vocal Health


For singers, our voice is our instrument, and we must take proper care of it! You wouldn’t go canoeing on your double bass or use a piano as a planter – your vocal health needs to be suitably looked after too, so you can always sing at your best. Here are 10 simple tips for maintaining your vocal health. Warm Up! Professional athletes always warm up their bodies to prevent injury or strain. Your warmup, as a vocalist, is an important part of your singing routine and must be included whether you are practicing or performing. This is a great way [...]

10 Tips for Maintaining Your Vocal Health2022-06-29T18:19:54+01:00

How to Sing Harmonies in 5 Simple Steps


While many budding singers dream of singing lead, there is actually a tremendous amount of skill in learning how to sing harmonies and backing vocals. The lead vocal seems the ‘easiest’ and most natural to gravitate towards but try signing a counter melody along with it and suddenly it’s a whole different ball game! Learning how to sing harmonies is a fantastic way to train your ear, improve your dexterity and hone your arrangement and composition skills. Here’s how you can tap into that area of your musicianship. Sing Along to Existing Harmonies in Songs The easiest way to get started [...]

How to Sing Harmonies in 5 Simple Steps2022-05-26T15:01:58+01:00

Talent vs Hard Work: Which is More Important for Success in Music?


Most students who come to us for adult singing lessons have been inspired by their idols. But the way media often portrays these artists is as if they all have natural talent or gifts that separate them from ordinary people. This can lead many music enthusiasts to believe that if they don’t have that natural talent, they are less likely to achieve success in music. This couldn’t be further from the truth, and we are here to dispel all the myths about talent vs hard work. Hard Work Beats Talent When Talent Doesn’t Work Hard ‘Hard work beats talent when talent [...]

Talent vs Hard Work: Which is More Important for Success in Music?2022-04-09T18:57:10+01:00

5 Tips for Singing and Playing Guitar or Piano


Singing is an incredible and impressive skill on its own. But when you can also accompany yourself on guitar or piano, you are a one-person band! Playing and singing at the same time is an incredibly complex skill, as you are, essentially, performing on two instruments simultaneously. But, as with anything else, a bit of practice each day can go a long way in playing and singing even the more complex pieces in no time. So, if you’re looking to master singing and playing guitar or piano, follow these simple tips and incorporate them into your rehearsals! Start with Simple Rhythms [...]

5 Tips for Singing and Playing Guitar or Piano2022-02-21T09:36:12+00:00


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