vocal tips

Back to Basics with Your Singing!


No matter how proficient a singer you are, it is always crucial to remember the importance of returning to the fundamentals. “Back to Basics with Your Singing" is not just a catchy phrase but a guiding principle that ensures the longevity and health of your vocal abilities. By continually revisiting the basics, you can refine your technique, avoid bad habits, and enhance your overall performance. The Importance of Revisiting the Basics Even the most skilled singers can benefit from going back to basics. The fundamentals of singing are the foundation upon which all advanced techniques are built. Revisiting these core elements [...]

Back to Basics with Your Singing!2024-06-14T20:38:33+01:00

How to Sing in Hot Weather


When the temperature gets above a certain point on the barometer, singing might be the last thing you want to do. It is a physical activity that can make you feel hotter and sweatier, which is usually what we want to avoid in the summer. Sometimes, however, if you have a performance booked or a singing lesson planned, you have to sing anyway. But don’t get yourself all worked up about it (that will only raise your blood temperature). There are things you can do to make your singing in the sunshine experience a little easier. Change Your Clothing This might [...]

How to Sing in Hot Weather2024-06-05T20:17:57+01:00

How to Sing Vibrato


Vibrato is a fundamental technique that adds richness and warmth to a singer's voice. It involves a slight, regular variation in pitch that creates a shimmering, expressive quality in the sound. This guide will take you through the steps to develop and refine your vibrato. What is Vibrato? Vibrato is not merely a fluctuating pitch; it is a controlled, even, and aesthetically pleasing vocal technique. Typically involving a variation of a semitone or less at a rate of 5-7 cycles per second, vibrato subtly alters the pitch of a note to convey emotion and intensity. Characterised by a gentle, oscillating movement [...]

How to Sing Vibrato2024-06-03T13:34:52+01:00

Why Are You Singing Out of Tune and How to Fix It


Singing is an incredible way to express yourself and share joy with others. But struggling to sing on pitch can be a bummer for everyone. Hitting the correct notes can be challenging at times, regardless of your skill level. But don't worry - with a little help and some practice, you can master your pitch and sing like a pro. Understanding Pitch and Tuning Pitch reflects the speed at which your vocal cords vibrate to produce sound waves. As you sing a note, you manipulate your vocal cords to emit sound at a frequency matching that note. Singing off-key occurs when [...]

Why Are You Singing Out of Tune and How to Fix It2024-03-25T17:42:03+00:00

How to Keep Your Voice Healthy


In our busy lives, we often forget how important our voices are, whether we're singing, speaking publicly, teaching, or just chatting. Keeping your voice in good shape is key to communicating well. This is especially true for singers, from choirs to rock bands, and even those who sing in the shower. Looking after your singing voice isn't too complicated—it's about using common sense and knowing a few tips to keep your vocal cords healthy. In this guide, we'll cover the basics of how the voice works, spot signs of trouble, understand what causes voice issues, and learn how to keep your [...]

How to Keep Your Voice Healthy2024-03-08T08:53:32+00:00

How do you know if you’ve strained your voice?


As a singer, you must keep your voice in tip-top condition to ensure you are always in the best form for the next concert or performance. But even the most conscientious of vocalists sometimes strain their voice, and it's not always obvious that it has happened until too late. Let’s look at why your voice might be strained, how you can tell, and what you can do about it. What causes a strained voice? There are many reasons why you might strain your voice. For beginner singers, it might just be a case of pushing your vocal abilities too far. But [...]

How do you know if you’ve strained your voice?2023-10-03T18:41:30+01:00

How to Sing From Your Diaphragm


Discover How to sing from your diaphragm! When you learn to sing from your diaphragm, you take your singing voice to another level. There are numerous benefits to diaphragmatic singing and it is key to your singing success! Diaphragmatic singing will do the following for you: Better voice projection Better vocal control Better regulation of airflow in the lungs Protecting the vocal cords Improving your range Creating a fuller, louder sound So, what is diaphragmatic breathing, and how can you do it? Get ready to unleash the singing power of your diaphragm! Why is it hard to sing from the diaphragm? [...]

How to Sing From Your Diaphragm2023-07-27T21:55:30+01:00

Is Singing Good for your Memory?


You cant remember what you went upstairs for but I bet you can remember every word of that obscure 80s song you used to love. Probably because you spent hours singing along. Ever suffered with an earworm? That annoying tune that plays over and over in your head, driving you crazy? That’s your brain making sure you never, ever forget that song. Turns out, singing could be really good for your memory. A Mental Boost Singing has an almost instantaneous effect on our mood, boosting our happy feelings so we sing louder and prouder. But sometimes singing can make us sad. [...]

Is Singing Good for your Memory?2023-06-23T06:28:19+01:00

Five Reasons Why Singing Lessons Might Not Be For You


While we promote singing lessons for everyone, there are a few people who might not be a good fit for our services. Read on to find out if any of these apply to you before you book your first class. You Don’t Enjoy Singing Believe it or not, there are people in the world who hate singing! We sympathize greatly with you if you are a part of this small margin of society and wish you the best. But this antithesis towards the thing we love the most probably means you won’t want to join any of our groups. You Won’t [...]

Five Reasons Why Singing Lessons Might Not Be For You2023-06-16T12:00:07+01:00

Want to Stop Snoring? Try Singing!


If snoring is the bane of your life (or your partner’s life), you might want to give singing a go! There is a lot of research to suggest that singing in the day can lead to a quieter sleep at night. It can also improve the quality of your sleep so you and your loved one both wake up happier and well rested. Why Do We Snore? To understand how singing can stop you snoring, you need to first understand why you snore. Snoring is simply a vibration of the tissues in the throat caused by a blockage of the airways. [...]

Want to Stop Snoring? Try Singing!2023-06-16T11:59:16+01:00


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