vocal tips

Breathing Exercises to Improve Your Singing Stamina


When you want to hold a note for longer or hit those far-away octaves, you need to pay attention to your breath. It doesn’t matter how beautiful your tone is or how loud you can sing, the breath is what will make sure your voice is flawless. But, only focusing on your breath when you are singing is a recipe for failure. You need to be strengthening your lungs and boosting your singing stamina on a regular basis. Think of your breath like another muscle – the more you use it, the better control you’ll have over it. Most people breathe [...]

Breathing Exercises to Improve Your Singing Stamina2023-03-16T09:05:27+00:00

The Anatomy of a Singer’s Mouth


Have you ever thought about the positioning of your tongue? For most people, when singing, there is little need to think about what the tongue is doing. Your mouth naturally falls into place as you enunciate each note. So, it might surprise you to know that you can improve your technique greatly by considering things like tongue placement, jaw positioning, and the shape of your mouth. Let’s look a little closer at how the anatomy of your mouth can affect your voice. The Tongue You have probably already noticed how your tongue moves to help you say certain letters. But this [...]

The Anatomy of a Singer’s Mouth2023-01-30T05:21:16+00:00

How Does Your Voice Deteriorate with Age (And How Can You Protect It?)


Like the rest of our bodies, our voice gets weaker with age. You might find that singing all day makes you feel croaky and hoarse. And your range might decrease, so you can no longer hit those higher or lower notes. If singing is your passion, this might not be music to your ears. But the good news is that there are things you can do to protect your voice for longer. What Happens to Your Vocal Cords as You Age? Two small muscles support your vocal cords. These muscles push the vocal cords together when you speak or sing to [...]

How Does Your Voice Deteriorate with Age (And How Can You Protect It?)2023-01-03T21:27:51+00:00

Got an Attack of the Earworms? Here’s Why!


Why Do Certain Songs Get Stuck in Your Head? We’ve all been there – politely minding our own business before getting an attack of the earworm! Whether it is a song you love, one you hate, or one that you just happened to hear on the radio, an earworm can be a seriously annoying ailment, as it tends to be made up of just one or two lines of a song on a loop. And no matter what you do, that mind melody just won’t go away! So why do we get these songs stuck in our heads? What Is Involuntary [...]

Got an Attack of the Earworms? Here’s Why!2022-11-28T12:20:11+00:00

6 Features of an Amazing Singer


Anyone can hold a note if they want to (yes, it’s true!), but there are certain features that separate good singers from amazing ones. Read on to find out what features the best vocalists have in common. They Look After Their Voice Ask any professional singer and they will tell you the importance of caring for your voice. This is about more than simply warming up your vocal folds before a performance. It is about keeping your whole body in tip-top shape, but especially your chest, throat, and mouth. This means making sure you are eating the right foods and drinks. [...]

6 Features of an Amazing Singer2022-11-25T09:45:02+00:00

7 Ways Singing Helps Reduce Stress


Feeling stressed? Studies have shown that a singsong could be the answer to all that tension in your body. So, turn up the volume and belt out your favourite tunes at the top of your voice! Not convinced that singing is the answer to all your stress? It is important to remember that stress is a symptom, not the actual problem. So, while the cause of your mental anguish will still be at large after your warbling, your reaction to it will be calmer and you will be better able to cope with the problem. Here are seven ways singing helps [...]

7 Ways Singing Helps Reduce Stress2022-11-21T20:17:59+00:00

10 Tips for Maintaining Your Vocal Health


For singers, our voice is our instrument, and we must take proper care of it! You wouldn’t go canoeing on your double bass or use a piano as a planter – your vocal health needs to be suitably looked after too, so you can always sing at your best. Here are 10 simple tips for maintaining your vocal health. Warm Up! Professional athletes always warm up their bodies to prevent injury or strain. Your warmup, as a vocalist, is an important part of your singing routine and must be included whether you are practicing or performing. This is a great way [...]

10 Tips for Maintaining Your Vocal Health2022-06-29T18:19:54+01:00


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