January 30, 2018

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

A lot of adult beginner vocal students are initially very concerned about not having prior vocal experience.

The truth is that we all start at the beginning.

It is simply the best place to start. (Especially if you start with top-notch vocal education!)

A great singing teacher will know how to make you feel comfortable regardless of your experience.

It is often extremely nerve-wracking to sing in front of a teacher for the first time and a lot of beginner adult students simply lack the confidence to sing a song at the first lesson.

That is EXACTLY we at The London Singing Institute we provide lessons in a comfortable, friendly environment and give you PLENTY of time to try and understand the process of learning how to sing.

We do not expect you to reach any level in the beginning and we simply encourage you to discover this wonderful gift that you have been given – YOUR VOICE!

So please never feel you are not talented enough…

If you are shy… we have taught plenty of shy students before and guess what? After a while, they are not that shy anymore…

We respect your individuality and will always work with you to help you develop your voice and sing the style of music that you love!

Take the first step and reach out – soon you will discover the MOST beautiful natural sound that has been bestowed upon you – your voice!

Tags: Motivation, Singing lessons for beginners

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Tags: Motivation, Singing lessons for beginners