January 15, 2020

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

1. The main reason you probably didn’t take up singing as an adolescent, is because you come from a culture where singing isn’t obligatory!

Far from being backwards, these cultures embed a basic music ability in its members, which creates an enormous advantage. Dance, rhythm and musical ability all stem from this unseen skill. And this brings us to the cardinal reason for acquiring the ability to sing. Not only tonality and the skill to play with the various notes are attached to singing, but also rhythm and dance skills.

2. You must be able to keep a note – this can be learned!

Everybody knows it when you can’t keep note. And singing teaches you just that but not only that. Obligatory singing isn’t a common occurrence in our society, but it does occur more often than you think and you don’t want to be the croaking frog in the group. Many croakers became platinum and gold record-holders historically speaking when they pressed on with their ideals even with their Jeremia was a bullfrog voice. So you think your voice sounds like a grater (without the cheese), then listen closely to Rod Steward and realise you are close to greatness!

3. Singing well is like an instrument well played

In fact, the voice is an instrument that could be learned like any other instrument with the added advantage of always having it with you. If you do have a golden voice (and the singing cultures have taught us that anybody could have a golden voice or a golden grater). the group opportunities are more than beckoning, and the tigers won’t come at night to steal your dreams away.

4. You’ve always wanted to do it, but the doubts about your singing ability kept you in the corner of the fearful!

Shrug it off and do the daring. Just like in the case of language, man has been born with an innate potential to sing like a nightingale. You don’t have to run onto the street booming “La Traviata”, but there are amazing equipment available nowadays: state-of-the-art earphones and sing- microphones, for you to practice within private, without Maggie making a fool out of you.

Did you know that we offer a ‘no-fear introductory lesson’ for those who are afraid to start singing?

The ‘no fear introductory lesson’ is specifically designed to help you get a taste for what we offer in a very comfortable and non-judgemental setting. During the no-fear introductory lesson, your instructor will take great care to make you feel at ease. All of our instructors know that singing can be a daunting experience, especially in a one-to-one setting. That is why we have specifically created the no-fear introductory lesson to help students overcome their fears of singing.

Find out more about our ‘no-fear intro lesson’ here.

5. Can you hum or whistle a simple tune? Then You can sing!

It is even better if you can also play an instrument so that you can accompany yourself. You will, with time, become a one-man or woman band and you will be the source of many’s joy and your own enjoyment will know no bounds.

6. Practising is a breeze as you can at a moment’s notice play your instrument and sing away!

Many of the so-called “wonder kidz “ did just that in their formative years, and later found out that they can sing, without knowing why. It needs no expensive equipment to practice, and even congested places are not out of bounds as long as you keep the session quiet.

7. You learn a new skill that makes you feel and sound great!

By learning how to sing as an adult, you learn a new skill that will make you more popular amongst your peers, make you feel and sound great!

But, you do need excellent vocal lessons to learn how to singing correctly.

By taking lessons from a good teacher, one can learn a lot about technique, style, and the diaphragm, which plays a crucial role in breathing when singing

A teacher can help you get over the so-called singing jitters and guide you to proficiency in the art of singing. Everyone has a unique voice, and only you can develop your voice fully. A teacher, however, can help with many singing skills, and especially assist against the forcing of your vocal cords, which is one of the primary mistake made by beginners.

Once you start, you are on the right track, and once you learn how to sing, you have a gift for life!

8. An older, more mature voice has greater tonal qualities

One of the reasons for taking up singing at an older age is that your voice has matured more already, and it is easier to obtain the sought after tonal qualities in your voice.

Using modern sound equipment makes it possible to strengthen your voice, but by singing continuously, your voice will, in any event, become stronger as time goes by. You should, therefore, be able to do more with your voice (or at least not less) than in your younger years!

9. You have matured and have more time on hand

You know how to focus better on your goals. Singing is like an individual sport, but it can easily be adapted for group usage, e.g. a choir (at church or social group). You will find your own niche and many new vistas will open up for you and all the music genres are available to the proficient singer.

10. The last reason is a common sense one – if you are not going to take up singing now at a later age, when are you going to do it?

An even later time? Carpe diem! Seize the day, as they say. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

To get started with your singing lessons in central London, find out more what we have to offer here.

Tags: Singing advice, Singing lessons for beginners, Everybody can sing!

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Tags: Singing advice, Singing lessons for beginners, Everybody can sing!