July 3, 2022

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

Have you ever wondered how beginner singers turn into professionals? Most musicians start off somewhere and world-class singers undergo lots of training, trial, and error to get to where they are. So, if you’ve always dreamt of being in the limelight or if your goal has always been to support yourself through singing, here’s what you can expect when you embark on adult singing lessons.

pertty woman singing

Stage 1: Beginner Singer Stage

This is where everything is new to you. You are just finding your voice and getting to know it. You may have been inspired by a particular vocalist and want to sing like them, however, we would advise to focus on honing your own unique sound. Don’t try to copy anyone else and try to explore your natural tone – we all have individual qualities about our voices and that’s what makes renowned singers so in demand in their field.

Pro Tip: Enjoy The Learning Process

When you start your adult singing lessons, you may feel unsure of yourself and there are techniques that may not make sense yet. Don’t get down on yourself! Trust the process and focus on getting to know your voice and how to work with it. Over time, everything will click into place and singing will become second nature.

music band rehearsal

Stage 2: Getting More Confidence And Exploring

At this stage, you’ve got some basic foundations down and you feel more comfortable in your voice. Now you’re ready to get out there and find your style! Perhaps you’re looking to start a band or join a singing group? Maybe you want to explore song writing? With some good foundations to support your journey, you can start developing your voice further, as well as finding yourself as a musician.

Pro Tip: Don’t Box Yourself In

Whatever preconceptions you had when you started singing may change at this stage. Allow yourself to learn and find your sound through trial and error. Explore different musical styles, play with your technique, start developing your composition and arrangement skills. You never know which direction might really take off for you and even if you don’t commit to it, you’ll still have valuable experience to support your singing journey.

man singing on stage

Stage 3: Narrowing Down Your Goals

Ok, so you’ve tried a particular style of singing and found out it wasn’t right for you. Or maybe you discovered the opposite. Perhaps you’ve tried working in studios, writing toplines and maybe you’ve attended open mic nights, played live, joined a band, or performed as a soloist. You’ve given yourself the time to explore everything that might be available to you, and, at this point, you’ve also gained even more confidence in your voice.

Pro Tip: Find Your Style

No matter how versatile you are as a musician, there will be something that you excel in. Maybe it’s your tone, singing style – it doesn’t have to be just about your sound. It could be about your song writing or maybe even performance style. Find what makes you unique and, in other words, what will make you employable.

professional singer with mic

Stage 4: Entering The Professional World

This is where you will go from simply being an artist to, essentially, becoming a business. Many vocalists enter the professional world as freelancers, so you’ll have to learn how to market yourself, find work, chase invoices and deal with taxes. This is where it’s less about just being a great singer but also about becoming a businessperson. It can feel overwhelming to some but focus on the rewards – you are finally making a living doing what you love! Not many people can say that, so make sure to acknowledge and celebrate how far you’ve come.

Pro Tip: Learn To Be Personable But Stand Up For Yourself

Being on time, professional, well-rehearsed and approachable will always win you work. There are so many situations where people would rather choose to work with someone who is nice to be around, rather than the best sounding person in the room. Don’t neglect the importance of a professional and personable approach. However, many freelancers make the mistake of accepting low pay and free work too often, so be mindful of that. Sure, sometimes doing something for free can be a great opportunity, but don’t undersell yourself for the sake of being nice. Remember, some singing jobs are about you having a great working experience too and not just providing a service to someone else.

It may not be an option every time but being picky about your work opportunities can serve you well in the long run.

female singer singing

Stage 5: Lifelong Learning

So, you’ve made it! You’re making a living as a professional singer, and you get to do what you love. There’s nothing else to learn, right? Wrong! As musicians and creatives, we are lifelong learners. There will always be projects that will teach you something new, there will always be new techniques and skills that you need to learn. The key to having a sustainable career in music is to not get complacent and keep looking for new opportunities and ways to improve yourself.

Pro Tip: Work Hard But Look After Yourself

Constantly improving and taking on more opportunities is great but do make sure to prevent yourself from burning out. Listen to your body, take breaks, and focus on your wellbeing. Learn how you work at your best, how often you need to rest and what activities recharge you. Don’t neglect your personal wellbeing for that dream career and you’ll get to enjoy it for years to come!

Learn The Tricks Of The Trade With London Singing Institute

Few professional vocalists have got to where they are without proper coaching. At London Singing Institute, we will give you the tools and techniques you need to make singing a lifelong career. You will learn to look after your voice, improve its versatility, dexterity while remaining true to your natural sound. Contact us today to find out more about our adult singing lessons in London and live online!

Tags: Singing takes time, Learn singing as an adult, singing performance, singing technique, vocal technique

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Tags: Singing takes time, Learn singing as an adult, singing performance, singing technique, vocal technique