February 15, 2021

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

Everyone from a budding vocalist to an advanced singer is constantly looking for ways to improve their voice. No matter how great you are as a singer, there will always be more to learn, which is the beauty of any creative endeavour. Singing is unique because your body is actually your instrument, so having that mind-body connection and learning to engage all elements that make up a powerful singing voice is crucial if you’re looking to improve. In this blog, we will unpack 7 ways to improve your voice. These are tips you can implement right away for quick results!

woman breathing

1. Focus on Your Breathing

Pay attention to your breathing as you breathe normally – your chest is probably moving up and down slightly, with very little movement in your stomach. Breathing as a singer is different, it’s important that you are using your full lung capacity to be able to support your voice. Try placing one hand on your chest and the other on your belly. As you breathe, try to focus on keeping your chest still, while your belly is pushing out with each inhale and flattening with each exhale. This can seem like a lot to think about if you’ve just started beginner singing lessons for adults, however, your breathing will be second nature the more you do it. Your vocal coach can give you even more exercises to train your breathing. Not only will they improve your voice, breathing exercises also help with managing stress and providing more oxygen to the brain for improved concentration.

man listening while singing

2. Controlling Your Pitch

Remember, if you can’t sing in tune right away, it doesn’t mean you’re tone deaf. Being tone deaf is a very rare condition that affects very few of us. If you’re not actually tone deaf, you can certainly improve your pitch! This is one of the most important areas to focus on – no song will sound good if you’re wavering out of tune. There are a few good ways to train your pitch, for example, try to play along the melody line on the piano when you sing and really focus on hitting each note. Vocal exercises can play a huge part in developing your pitch and you can also sing with a tuner to ensure you are hitting the correct notes. Learning to play an instrument alongside your vocal lessons will also give you an advantage in improving your voice and pitch.

man singing loudly

3. Understanding Dynamics

Take a listen to some of your favourite vocalists – pay extra attention to their dynamics as they sing. You will likely notice a lot of peaks and troughs in their dynamic range. Some notes will sound soft, almost like a whisper and others will use their full vocal power for a stunning vibrato sound. Having a diverse range of dynamics is what makes music exciting and interesting to listen to and helps us connect with it emotionally. As you’re trying to improve your voice, watch out for moments where you need to pull back or sing to your full capacity. Being able to control your dynamics intuitively will really set you apart from amateur singers.

music sheet for chorus

4. Diction and Enunciation

Lyrics are an important part of telling the story, especially in popular genres of music. Without good diction, your message could get lost and leave your audience confused about the song itself. There are some great exercises you can do for sounding clearer when you sing. Another tip that will improve your voice is enunciation. Stand in front of the mirror and pay attention to the way your jaw moves when you say the vowels A-E-I-O-U. Chances are, your jaw might be closing when you say some or even all of these letters. If this happens, try to prop your jaw open with a finger or cork around 2 inches. Repeat the exercise again until you can pronounce all the vowels without moving your jaw. This will instantly make your voice sound clearer and louder when you sing.

mic stand in front of the audience

5. Good Posture

A good posture does more than simply make you look confident on stage. Remember, your body is your instrument and air is supposed to flow through it as freely as possible. Sagging shoulders and hunched over back prevent your diaphragm from fully expanding and, therefore, you can’t tap into the full power of your vocal. Try standing straight, feet shoulder width apart, without locking your knees and don’t forget to keep your belly and shoulders relaxed. Tilting your jaw down slightly will also help with better projection. If you’re struggling with self-doubt, a confident yet relaxed stance alone can make you feel more self-assured.

woman singing with her eyes closed

6. Thinking ‘Down’ Instead of ‘Up’

This is a common issue for many who embark on beginner singing lessons for adults. As we get higher in our range, our bodies naturally try to ‘reach up’ – our shoulders become more tense and we tend to lift our chin. This actually doesn’t help you hit those higher notes, if anything it can make you more tense, resulting in a shrill sound. So, as you move into your upper range, try to ‘think down’. Imagine something like a cafetiere plunger pressing down the coffee grounds, for example, and try to actively think ‘down’ and keep your body steady as you go higher.

glowing human figure

7. Getting to Know Your Voice

Last but by no means least, this is a very important part of your journey as a vocalist. The quickest way to improve your voice is to get to know your vocal range and unique characteristics. Too often students in beginner singing lessons for adults want to sound like someone else. This is a fast track to being disappointed in yourself, because you won’t sound exactly like your favourite artists, and guess what? That’s great! Our voices are unique and there are positive qualities in all of them. Getting to know your voice better will help you choose songs that suit you and adapt them in a way that highlights its best features. Technique and all other recommendations aside, simply understanding your sound will make you more confident in using it and you’ll sound better immediately.

vocal coach teaching her student

Bonus Tip: Invest in Your Voice

One of the best ways to improve your voice is to learn with a dedicated singing coach! At London Singing Institute we specialise in beginner singing lessons for adults all the way to advanced vocalists and anyone in between. We cover a range of styles with a personalised, expert approach that will help you identify your best qualities and areas to improve on. Our experienced team of tutors will confidently take your voice to the next level, so you can really embrace your sound. Contact us today for singing lessons in London or online singing lessons from wherever you are!

Tags: Singing Tips, Singing advice, Singing lessons for beginners

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Tags: Singing Tips, Singing advice, Singing lessons for beginners