September 19, 2021

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

Not everyone is a confident vocalist, yet so much of our lives and social events revolve around music and singing. Going to gigs, festivals and joining in with your favourite artists, singing in the car, in the shower or during holidays has always had an exhilarating effect on us. But is there more to adult singing lessons and mental health? Can singing actually benefit our quality of life? Here are just some of the surprising benefits of belting out a tune.

Adult Singing Lessons Help to Lift Your Mood

There are many reasons why adults come to us for singing lessons. Whether you’re a professional or a hobbyist, adult singing lessons can provide an incredible release and escape from day-to-day stress. Hearing your voice grow and develop, being able to learn new techniques and simply enjoying the process of singing can lift your spirits and improve your confidence. Getting lost in a song will help you forget about other concerns, and you will leave your lessons refreshed and rejuvenated, ready to take on a new day.

joyful woman with thumbs up

Reduced Stress Levels

A 2017 study found that singing reduced cortisol levels, otherwise known as the stress hormone, in participants’ saliva. They took samples before and after the singers performed a song and noticed a significant difference that determined singing is a powerful activity for reducing your stress levels.

It’s important to note, however, for this to work, the vocalist needs to be in a relaxed environment. If, for example, you are performing on stage and you find it stressful, the opposite would happen; your cortisol levels will in fact increase. That’s why it’s so important to find the right vocal coach for your adult singing lessons so you can get the most benefit from the joy of singing.

group of ladies singing

Sense of Community and Belonging

Music has always brought people together, and actively participating in creating music fully immerses you into this experience. Singing is one of the most accessible ways to connect with other musicians and find your community, since you don’t need to spend money on expensive instruments or production gear. You already have everything you need – your voice! With proper guidance, you can quickly gain the confidence to use it to help you connect with fellow musicians.

There are so many options out there, too. You could join a local choir, musical theatre group, a band, visit open mic nights and so much more. If you feel more comfortable learning in a group environment, our group singing courses are an excellent way to make new friends and learn from others. They have helped many aspiring singers find their voice, their community and hone collaborations. It’s a fantastic and non-judgmental environment to learn in, as everyone is in the same boat as you and you will all progress together.

woman reading music

Enhanced Memory

People with cognitive impairment such as Alzheimer’s and Dementia are often advised to listen to some of their favourite songs and sing along. This can be a powerful way to trigger cherished memories and help them reconnect with friends and loved ones. Music is often used in various therapy settings, and it can be an easier way to recall other memories that are long lost, due to the many connections music creates in our brain.

From a prevention perspective, taking adult singing lessons can enhance your memory and cognitive function. Music has a powerful effect on our brain, as it uses both hemispheres and multiple areas of it at the same time. You will have to memorise melodies, lyrics and song structure which will have a tremendous impact on your memory. Not to mention, learning music theory can enhance your creativity and ability to find solutions, which will elevate your skills in other areas, too.

group discussion

Improved Speaking Abilities and Confidence

At some point during your singing career, you will likely have to perform in front of an audience, whether that’s your family, local pub crowd or a big stadium. You might want to join a musical theatre group or perform in front of your friends. Even getting used to singing in front of your teacher can be a big step for some. This will give you an incredible confidence boost, whether you are giving a presentation, speaking up at a job meeting or experience any other situations that require that extra trust in yourself to find your voice.

Another great example of singing in music therapy is that it also improves speaking abilities in people with autism, Parkinson’s disease, stroke patients and those who have a stutter. This is because singing uses multiple areas of the brain, so people with cognitive impairment can access speech much easier through singing if some parts of the brain are damaged. Singing makes it easier to involve hand-tapping too, which can be helpful in maintaining speaking rhythms.

man happily singing

Singing Can Help to Overcome Grief

We often turn to music when dealing with grief. There’s always that one song that reminds us of someone or a cherished memory. We process our pain through song lyrics and find solace in being able to relate to them. Sometimes, it’s easier to put our thoughts into a song, instead of talking about how we feel. Whether that’s through singing songs that you truly connect with or writing your own, singing can help us understand and process our emotions in a way that few other activities can.

If you are dealing with a tough situation in your life, the community aspect of singing in a group or a choir can also be incredibly cathartic. Plus, you will build supportive relationships with others, which are so important when going through a difficult time.

Looking for Adult Singing Lessons in London?

At London Singing Institute, we offer a relaxed, encouraging environment for you to explore and develop your singing voice. We will teach you healthy techniques used by professionals to preserve and improve your vocals. Learn in a non-judgmental environment with teachers who have years of experience and an understanding, empathetic approach to the needs of every individual singer. Our lessons are designed to work towards your goals, and we teach a variety of styles, including classical, jazz, pop, musical theatre, rock, and blues. We offer group and one-to-one lessons, with the option to learn in our stunning Central London premises or online, from the comfort of your own home.

Find out more about our adult singing courses, taught in London and remotely.

Tags: Singing Tips, Motivation, Singing advice, Productivity

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Tags: Singing Tips, Motivation, Singing advice, Productivity