Vocal Technique

7 Ways Singing Helps Reduce Stress


Feeling stressed? Studies have shown that a singsong could be the answer to all that tension in your body. So, turn up the volume and belt out your favourite tunes at the top of your voice! Not convinced that singing is the answer to all your stress? It is important to remember that stress is a symptom, not the actual problem. So, while the cause of your mental anguish will still be at large after your warbling, your reaction to it will be calmer and you will be better able to cope with the problem. Here are seven ways singing helps [...]

7 Ways Singing Helps Reduce Stress2022-11-21T20:17:59+00:00

10 Tips for Maintaining Your Vocal Health


For singers, our voice is our instrument, and we must take proper care of it! You wouldn’t go canoeing on your double bass or use a piano as a planter – your vocal health needs to be suitably looked after too, so you can always sing at your best. Here are 10 simple tips for maintaining your vocal health. Warm Up! Professional athletes always warm up their bodies to prevent injury or strain. Your warmup, as a vocalist, is an important part of your singing routine and must be included whether you are practicing or performing. This is a great way [...]

10 Tips for Maintaining Your Vocal Health2022-06-29T18:19:54+01:00

Improve Your Head Voice in Singing


So, what exactly is head voice in singing and how can you tap into the beautiful, powerful elements of this register? In our recent blog, we broke down the differences between chest, mixed, falsetto and head voice in singing. Here, we will dive deeper into a few tricks that will help your head voice become the best it’s ever been. Why Does Head Voice in Singing Feel Intimidating? Chest voice is where we feel the most comfortable, as this is the register we use for our speech. Head voice on the other hand, allows us to access the upper mid and [...]

Improve Your Head Voice in Singing2022-06-27T09:44:24+01:00

How to Make the Most of Your Chest Voice


In our last blog, we explained the differences between head, mixed, falsetto and chest voice. This is an easy way to discern between different registers in your individual range so you can use the proper techniques to make the most out of them. So, just to recap… What is Chest Voice? Chest voice is not the sound you produce with your chest – you are still using your vocal cords to create the vibrations. Instead, it refers to where vibrations are felt. In this case, you will feel them in your chest cavity. How do you know if you’re singing in [...]

How to Make the Most of Your Chest Voice2022-06-28T09:21:12+01:00

Head Voice vs Chest Voice: What’s the Difference?


As you embark on your journey as a vocalist and begin adult singing lessons, you may come across some terms that you’ve never heard of before. Many of us are aware of vocal ranges like alto, soprano, tenor, bass, however, the way your individual voice behaves can also be split into different sections. The most talked about are head voice vs chest voice. What’s the difference between the two and do you really use different parts of your body to tap into them? Keep on reading to find out how you can use head and chest voice to your advantage as [...]

Head Voice vs Chest Voice: What’s the Difference?2022-06-27T09:40:27+01:00

How to Make Your Singing Voice Unique


Have you always wanted to sing like your favourite singers? Whether you hope to have the powerful pop vocal of Lady Gaga, dominate the musical theatre scene like Idina Menzel, or leave your unique mark on opera scene like Maria Callas, there’s one thing that makes renowned vocalists so distinct and memorable. It’s their unique singing style that sounds instantly recognisable on any record. So, while we encourage you to get inspired by other artists, your focus should always be on how to make your singing voice unique. Trying to sing like someone else or hiding your true tone of voice, [...]

How to Make Your Singing Voice Unique2021-12-25T17:41:41+00:00

Vocal Damage Symptoms and Prevention


We often talk about the importance of protecting your vocals when singing. Giving you the tools and techniques to sing safely is one of our top priorities here at London Singing Institute. Vocal damage can be experienced by even the most professional singers, however, so it’s important we learn to recognise it and know how to prevent it. Here are some vocal damage symptoms to watch out for, as well as lifestyle factors that will affect your vocal health. What Is Vocal Damage? We’ve all experienced a little damage to our vocal cords from time to time. Whether that’s after a [...]

Vocal Damage Symptoms and Prevention2021-06-15T06:35:55+01:00

Exercises to Improve Your Vocal Pitch


Unless you want to join one of the ‘worst contestants’ compilations of popular singing competitions, training your vocal pitch is important! Unlike piano, guitar or any other instrument that may physically need tuning, you control your pitch through your body. Many students who embark on singing lessons for adults don’t necessarily have a bad pitch, but rather are not used to using the muscles and mechanisms they need to control it. So, let’s talk about this all-important aspect of music that is so crucial for a truly great performance. Keep on reading, as we also discuss useful exercises to improve your [...]

Exercises to Improve Your Vocal Pitch2021-06-07T07:34:42+01:00

The best singing exercises for the voice


We all know that doing strenuous exercise without a proper stretch and a warm-up can result in injury. But what about your vocals? The soft tissue of your vocal cords and larynx is susceptible to damage and needs proper care. As vocalists, we do so by performing singing exercises and warm-ups to gently wake up our vocals and make them nice and supple for a stunning performance or practice session. If you have only just started your singing lessons for adults, some of these may seem funny or odd to you, but embrace the weirdness! Vocal warm-up exercises are really fun [...]

The best singing exercises for the voice2021-05-03T18:26:06+01:00

7 Ways to improve your voice


Everyone from a budding vocalist to an advanced singer is constantly looking for ways to improve their voice. No matter how great you are as a singer, there will always be more to learn, which is the beauty of any creative endeavour. Singing is unique because your body is actually your instrument, so having that mind-body connection and learning to engage all elements that make up a powerful singing voice is crucial if you’re looking to improve. In this blog, we will unpack 7 ways to improve your voice. These are tips you can implement right away for quick results! 1. [...]

7 Ways to improve your voice2021-03-10T13:47:55+00:00


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