March 13, 2021

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

Singing is so much more than simply producing sound – we are artists, we tell a story through singing and it’s deeply personal and unique to each of us. Our bodies are also our instruments, so there are so many variables to becoming a truly great singer. But don’t fret, anyone can learn to sing with the right guidance. So, we’d like to share our guide to singing with you. In this article, we will reveal all the secrets we cover on our adult beginner singing course that helps our students become exceptional vocalists.

vintage woman singing

1. Stand Tall

This simple trick can be one of the easiest and quickest ways to improve your voice immediately. Plus, it instantly fills you with so much confidence, which is incredibly important when you start adult singing lessons! Try to keep your posture tall, shoulders relaxed, feet shoulder width apart without locking your knees. Ensure your chin isn’t too low or too high – singers tend to raise their chin when going up in the range, so it helps to think ‘down’ as you hit those high notes. A good posture will improve your airflow and eliminate unwanted tension, ensuring your voice sounds its best.

black woman singing

2. Breathe Like a Singer

When you embark on your adult beginner singing course, you will learn to breathe like a singer. Many of us think that our belly should push out as we breathe out, but it’s actually the other way around when you sing. As a budding vocalist, you want to expand your belly with each inhale and flatten it with each exhale, without raising your chest. If your chest is lifted, that means you’re pushing air into the chest, where it will be of very little use to support your vocals. Breathing like a singer can feel a bit strange at first, but it’ll soon become second nature. To get started, try placing one hand on your chest and one on the belly and focus on keeping your chest still as you breathe. Take a deep breath in and, with each exhale, try either a ‘tssss’ or a ‘shhh’ sound and see how long you can hold it.

woman hydrating herself

3. Look After Your Vocals

No matter where you are in your singing journey, remember – if it hurts, you’re doing something wrong. Many beginner vocalists want to achieve a powerful tone, but, without proper technique, you risk shouting or straining. This leads to bad habits and makes you more susceptible to vocal injury. Even your belting notes should feel strong and comfortable as you sing. One of the most important things to learn in our guide to singing is looking after your voice and using it in a healthy way. Your vocal coach will be your best bet to help you do that. Additionally, good lifestyle habits like staying hydrated, getting plenty of sleep, not smoking will help you progress through your adult singing lessons in a healthy way.

woman pitch matching

4. Learn to Control Your Pitch

Pitch issues is one of the reasons why adult beginner singers tend to assume they are ‘tone deaf’. Now, it’s important to remember that only 3% of the population are actually tone deaf. If you don’t have a great pitch, it can absolutely be learned and developed. One of the best ways to do so is to play notes on a piano and try to match the pitch. You may find you won’t be able to do it immediately, so try it one note at a time, play it several times and listen intently. Then try to repeat the pitch with the piano and sing it without. Remember, that even professional vocalists sometimes slide sharp or flat on their notes and your pitching is something you will continuously improve on as you sing.

woman singing with a band

5. Develop Your Musicality

One of the tricky things about singing is that all of its wonderful mechanisms happen inside the body, so it’s very difficult to visualise it. When you learn to play an instrument, you can take making music ‘into your own hands’ (pun intended). This can help you understand how sounds are produced, develop your pitch and musicality. Plus, with an instrument like piano or guitar, you’ll also be able to accompany yourself and write songs much easier.

man listening to his voice

6. Understand Your Range

Singing is very personal to all of us, so in our guide to singing, we want to highlight the importance of understanding your range. One of the easiest ways to identify it is to simply play notes on a piano and see how low or high you can go. On top of that, understanding where your chest, head and mixed voice is will help you pick songs that suit you well. Put simply, your chest voice is created by thick vocal folds and head voice by thin vocal folds. Your chest voice will be at the bottom of your range and you’ll find your head voice as you move to the top. Your mixed register is where the two overlap and you’ll likely notice that’s where you can achieve the most amount of power. As you embark on adult singing lessons, your vocal coach will assess your voice and identify these registers.

woman singing inside the  recording studio

7. Get Comfortable with Your Tone

While we are able to develop our voices, our tone is something that is very unique and personal to us. You may be able to improve it, but its natural sound is down to your anatomy. This is what makes you unique as a singer, so remember to embrace it in your adult beginner singing course! One of the best ways to get comfortable with the sound of your voice is to record yourself. Not only will this help to understand your tone, but also the kind of songs that would suit you. It will also help you pick up on any areas for improvement, as well as tracking your progress and seeing how far you’ve come.

woman singing calmly

8. Master Different Vocal Techniques

There are many different vocal techniques that you will learn on your adult beginner singing course. Changing dynamics, going from a loud, powerful belt to soft, almost whisper like melodies, utilising different enunciation and rhythm patterns and more makes music so exciting and engaging to listen to. Mastering these techniques in your adult singing lessons will help you bring your own unique take to a song and stand out among amateur vocalists.

woman singing onstage

9. Find Your Identity as an Artist

We are not just singers, we are also performers and artists! Finding your identity as an artist is so crucial to step into your confidence as a vocalist. This is everything from your on-stage persona to your personal style and singing style. There’s nothing wrong with taking inspiration from other artists to help you develop your own identity. It’s also important to remember that this may change over time and that’s totally okay. Realising yourself as an artist will help you become a more confident singer.

woman onstage

10. Get Yourself Out There

What’s the point of honing that beautiful voice in your adult singing lessons if you’re going to keep it hidden from the world? Joining a local choir, band, going to open mic nights and collaborating with other musicians will really help you grow as a singer. Sure, it may be nerve racking at first, but you will gain more confidence in your skill and learn to apply it in real-life situations. Plus, you’re going to have so much fun along the way meeting new people!

Want to Take Adult Singing Lessons? Look No Further!

We hope you enjoyed our guide to singing. If you’d like to learn how to apply these tips and gain more confidence in your voice through in-depth vocal training, get in touch with London Singing Institute! We offer tailored, personalised lessons for adults in a friendly, encouraging environment. You can learn with our expert coaches at our beautiful central London premises or online!

Find out more about our adult singing courses, taught in London and remotely.

Tags: Singing Tips, Singing advice, Singing lessons for beginners, Singing lessons for adults

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Tags: Singing Tips, Singing advice, Singing lessons for beginners, Singing lessons for adults