January 22, 2021

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

Just like any other activity, singing lessons for adults need to be backed by a solid lesson plan to ensure your journey to success! There are a few things to consider, to make sure you don’t fall off the wagon, get discouraged or stifle your progress. In this article we will cover the key elements on how to learn signing as an adult.

1. Mindset

Taking singing lessons for adults is different than when you’re a child. As children, we have a lot of confidence and genuine curiosity to try everything we put our mind to, without second guessing ourselves. As adults, however, we tend to have more mental blocks that stop us from trying something new. One of the most common concerns for most adult beginners is feeling like it’s too late to start singing. Or that singing is a talent rather than skill, and if you don’t have a natural talent, you can’t learn to sing. Both of those statements couldn’t be further from the truth and it’s important you approach your singing lesson plan with a healthy mindset. If you’re worried about your age, keep in mind that you would never tell someone that it’s too late to get in shape or learn a new language – and the same goes for singing. Not to mention, there are many great singers who achieved success later on in life, such as Bill Withers, Susan Boyle and more. Whether your goal is to learn to sing for your own pleasure or to have a singing career, all of that is still possible, no matter your age. If you’re worried about not having a natural talent for singing, it is absolutely a skill that can be learned. Some people may find pitching or projection naturally easier but being actually tone deaf is an incredibly rare condition, so it’s likely you just need proper training and encouragement to unleash your singing voice.

Goal setting

2. Goal setting

Goals are an important way to map out your singing progress and keep you motivated. It’s vital, however, that your goals are realistic and manageable. Setting unrealistic expectations for yourself will only leave you discouraged and feeling like you’ve failed. A vocal coach can be of great help in setting your goals, as they will be able to properly assess your voice, find songs that are suited for your range and create a realistic roadmap for success. A great singing teacher will also help you progress quicker. So, what’s the best way to set goals for your singing lesson plan? We’d recommend thinking where you want to be, say, a year from now and working backwards. If your goal is to sing a particular song, what skills do you need to develop to be able to sing it well? Is it pitching? Expanding your range? Breath control? Once you’ve identified what you need to do, the next step is to allocate the time to get closer to your goal every day. Remember thinking about getting just 1% better every day, and this will quickly add up to impressive progress, without overwhelming you.

Finding time

3. Finding the time

Singing lessons for adults can be a bit tricky to fit into your lifestyle, but that doesn’t mean it’s impossible! With many other commitments to juggle like work, family, study, how do you find time for singing? It’s about setting priorities and making the most out of the time you’ve got, even if it’s very little. For example, are there any activities that you do currently, that you could cut down on? This could be something very simple, like reducing TV time for half hour a day will give you that time to work on your singing. Everyone’s schedules are different, so take a good look at what you do every day and where you might be able to fit in some practice. The next important factor in your singing lesson plan is deliberate practice. This means, practicing with a specific goal or purpose. For example, one hour of aimlessly singing through your favourite songs will be less effective than just half hour of proper warm-ups and exercises, and deliberately working on areas for improvement. Deliberate practice will help you maximise your time, allowing you to progress quicker, even if you don’t have as much time available.

Allocating practice space

4. Allocating practice space

Just like you may have an office where you work or the gym where you go to exercise, allocating practice space will help you focus and feel comfortable while you work on your singing voice. Ideally, this should be a separate room where you’re not being disturbed by others and you can feel at ease singing to your heart’s content. Having a space to practice will help you stick to your singing lesson plan and avoid getting discouraged. It may be worth having a friendly chat to the people you live with, so they’re aware you’re not to be disturbed during your practice time. Most people will understand and give you the space that you need. If this isn’t an option, maybe there are some practice rooms in your area that you can rent out? If you’re practicing with other musicians, for example, a pianist or guitarist, this usually works out cheaper as you can split the fee.

Monitoring progress

5. Monitoring progress

Monitoring progress is an important part of sticking to your singing lesson plan and making sure it’s working! A great way to do that is to record yourself practicing, getting feedback from your vocal coach and attending regular singing lessons for adults. This will help to keep you accountable and see how much you are progressing. Don’t be afraid to adjust your singing lesson plan too – your goals or circumstances might change, or you might find that you prefer to practice in the evenings rather than afternoons etc. Monitoring your progress will help to ensure you are consistently making the best choices towards your goals. It will also make you acknowledge how far you’ve come – too often we neglect to celebrate our small achievements, which are so important to appreciate for building your confidence.

Singing lesson plan

Want to take your singing lesson plan to the next level? We can help!

At London Singing Institute we specialise in singing lessons for adults. We understand what it means to learn to sing as an adult, whether you are just starting out or you’re an advanced singer, looking to take the next step in your career.

Our experienced vocal coaches will help you design your singing lesson plan, keep you motivated and personalise the sessions to unleash your unique voice. We teach every genre from classical to rock, so get in touch with us today! We can’t wait to see what we can achieve together.

For further information about our singing courses for adults: https://www.londonsinginginstitute.co.uk/singing-courses

Tags: Singing lessons for adults, Learning how to sing, Learn singing as an adult

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Tags: Singing lessons for adults, Learning how to sing, Learn singing as an adult