January 28, 2021

About the Author: Stefan Joubert

Stefan Joubert is the manager of London Singing Institute. He firmly believes that anyone can learn to sing, regardless of age, with the help of high-quality singing lessons

Despite what you might think, learning to sing is for everyone – no matter your age, whether you want to be a professional or simply improve your shower singing! It’s such a fantastic activity that helps with your confidence, musicality and even improves your mood and mental health. You might be wondering how to learn singing as an adult? Well, since your voice is your instrument, there are a lot of variables to help you sing well. In this blog, we will unpack the basics you need to know to become the best singer you can be.

Understanding your voice and range

This is an incredibly crucial part of your journey as you embark on singing lessons for adults. Yet, so many beginners miss this step, try to imitate their favourite vocalists and disappoint themselves in the process, as they start to feel like their voice is not good enough. That couldn’t be further from the truth! Think of famous singers – does Celine Dion have the same voice as Amy Winehouse? Of course not. Could you really say that one is better than the other? Or is it that they both excel in their own way? We think you know the answer. The same goes for your vocal. Our natural voice is already predetermined by our physical features, such as the shape of our head, throat and sinuses. Yes, you can work to improve it or make slight alterations, but you won’t end up sounding like a completely different person and that’s what makes you unique.

So, our advice is to get to know your voice, embrace it and also be aware of your range. While you can absolutely work to expand your range, understanding where you are starting from will ensure you pick songs that suit you specifically. This will make you feel much more confident and help you enjoy the sound of your own voice, as you will no longer compare it to others. Your vocal coach can be invaluable in providing a realistic assessment of your voice, as well as highlighting its best qualities.

Vocal health

Your voice is your instrument. When we discuss how to learn singing, proper vocal health should be top priority! Just like you would tune a piano or change strings on a guitar, you need to maintain your vocal health so it’s the best it can be. How do you maintain vocal health? Well, since your vocal chords are part of your body, maintaining good physical health will really help with that. Staying hydrated, getting plenty of sleep, eating well and not smoking will all impact the quality of your voice.

Warm-ups and breathing technique

Following on from vocal health, warm-ups and breathing exercises provide the proper foundations for your voice. If you’ve had singing lessons before, it’s likely that your vocal coach went over a lot of breathing techniques and extensive warm-ups before you even started singing. That’s because it’s important to know how to use your breath and how to warm up properly. Not only will this prevent damage, it will also help you make the most of your voice and tap into its full potential. Don’t worry if it feels unnatural or too much to think about at first – your technique will soon enough become second nature to you.

Learning basic music theory

One of the great things about singing is that you don’t need to play an instrument or learn music theory to already start using your voice! But, as you progress through your singing lessons for adults, you will find that you naturally have to pick up a bit of theory to improve. Things like rhythm, proper terminology, reading sheet music and even a bit of piano playing can really help you step it up and become the best musician you can be. Learning music theory and the basics of playing an instrument will also help you collaborate with other vocalists, musicians and music producers. If you’ve ever wanted to write your own songs or get a better understanding of your favourite tracks, music theory and learning to play will certainly help you do it. It’s never too late to start either – it was only a couple years ago that Prince told Beyonce to learn to play piano and she did! Despite the incredible accolades she already had at the time.

Proper diction

In addition to breathing exercises and warm-ups, it’s important that we have proper diction as vocalists. We are responsible for conveying the message of the song, from the emotion to the lyrics. If you’re too muffled, this message could get lost in the process. Your vocal coach can show you useful exercises to improve your diction. You may not always pronounce the words exactly as you would when you’re simply speaking, so learning to sing clearly, without inhibiting your singing voice is really important in your singing journey.

Staying motivated and consistent

We know it’s boring and you’ve probably heard it a thousand times, but consistency is key to progress. You need to keep practicing regularly but also find ways to make it fun and keep your motivation up! For example, you could make up your own warmups with silly words or warm up with a song that you find easy to sing. Feeling like singing is a chore will be detrimental to your progress and make you give up very quickly. It’s important that you feel motivated and challenged, so choose songs that really excite you and make you enjoy singing. Learning to acknowledge how far you’ve come will also be invaluable in building your confidence! You can do this by recording your singing sessions and comparing your progress or, even better, try singing in front of people, even if it’s just your friends and family to begin with. From there, finding singing opportunities like local bands, choirs and open mic nights will make you realise just how far you’ve come in your singing lessons for adults.

Want to know how to learn singing? Take lessons with us!

At London Singing Institute, we offer singing lessons for adults of all abilities. Whether you’re a beginner or an advanced vocalist, our friendly and knowledgeable team will keep you inspired, motivated, all the while unlocking your unique voice. We can teach in any genre or style you prefer, and we are flexible in our approach. Whether you want to learn in our beautiful premises situated in Central London or the comfort of your own home – we will deliver the highest quality vocal coaching that is tailored to you.

Tags: Singing lessons for adults, Central London adult singing lessons, Learn singing as an adult

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Tags: Singing lessons for adults, Central London adult singing lessons, Learn singing as an adult